Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
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The idea behind Phroni is that it analyzes the text in your browser and coverts certain words to Wikipedia links, allowing you to explore further information without the cumbersome copy and paste steps into search bars. Users can also further explore using the toolbar across services like Twitter or YouTube (see below).

Some of you may recall that a couple of our Startup Asia judges expressed some skepticism that a solution like Phroni hadn’t been done before. I recently asked Mr. Yamada about this, and he was quick to point out that while there are many services that make keywords linkable, most of them do so in the interests of advertising:




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Almost a quarter of a century later, I am happy to see that Singapore has been one of the developmental success stories of our region. Singaporeans have shown the world what a small multi-ethnic island without any natural resources or military prowess can achieve through just human endeavor and visionary leadership.

I believe that the country now stands at an important juncture in its story. It could, like parts of the west, walk into the sunset with its aging population, or it could leverage the physical, social and economic infrastructure it has built, and become a symbol of economic hope for a new, confident and resurgent Asia.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The convergence of opportunities

The Economist recently wrote about how our world is increasingly divided into three socio- cultural spheres of influence [1], the Anglosphere, the Indosphere and the Sinosphere. The article quotes a study by Pankaj Ghemawat, ‘Why the world isn’t flat,’ [2] that two countries which share a common language trade 42 percent more with each other than two otherwise identical countries that lack that bond and countries with former imperial ties trade an astounding 188 percent more often. The article ends with a reminder on the enduring ties of tribes and how this will continue to shape the cultural and economic future of our globalized world in this new ‘Asian century.’




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Based on the 25+ companies I met while in Singapore, the strong Web 2.0 bias of purely Singaporean teams seemed evident. On the other hand, more international teams seemed to have a greater depth of focus on addressing regional and global consumer opportunities within healthcare, security, education and environmental technology. This is hardly surprising. In a country with the cleanest air in Asia, negligibly low crime rates and radio taxis that arrive within minutes, there don’t seem to be many visible problems to solve. When there is a cross-pollination of ideas from around the region, a more robust and interesting business focus seems to emerge within the company.


私がシンガポールにいる間に会った25社以上においては、純粋にシンガポール人だけのチームの強力なWeb 2.0バイアスが確実に思われた。一方、もっと国際的ないくつかのチームがヘルスケア、セキュリティ、教育及び環境技術における地域的及びグローバルな消費者機会を解決することにより深く焦点を絞っているようにも思われた。これは全く驚くべきことではない。アジアのなかでも空気がきれいで犯罪率が非常に低く、無線タクシーが数分で到着する国では、目に見える解決すべき問題はそう多くないと思われる。周辺地域からのアイデアの相互作用があれば、より堅固でおもしろいビジネスフォーカスが企業内で浮上してくるだろう。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Plus, it allows users to create ‘fantasies’ which would help the device vibrate according to certain moods and/or music. Anyone can create a fantasy. The larger goal is to have these fantasies placed onto one marketplace where people can either download them for free or purchase them in-app.

Vibease pitched at our Startup Arena in Singapore and at the time received a great response from our 800+ audience. It was a fun pitch, from enthusiastic founders with a (ahem) stimulating product. But not all investors are open to invest in a mobile app-enabled vibrator. But co-founder, Dema Tio, did reveal to me that there are two investors who are in serious talks with him right now.



バイブイーズはシンガポールで開催されたスタートアップ・アリーナで発表し、800以上の聴衆から大きな反響を受けた。刺激的な製品で、熱心な創設者たちによるとても面白い発表だった。しかしもバイルアプリにできるバイブレーターに投資することには全ての投資者が乗り気だったわけではなかった。しかし共同設立者のDema Tio氏は、今真剣に彼と投資の相談をしている投資者が2名いる、と明かしてくれた。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Vibease will also be displaying its wares at the Launch Conference in San Francisco this March, as the U.S is also one of its target markets. Vibease’s promo video is here, and it’s an interesting one [2]. We also conducted an interview with Vibease just after the Startups in Asia conference, which you can check out below.

1. Speaking to Dema before Startups in Asia, he mentioned that, in particular, military families might potentially benefit from something like this. ↩
2. Note that we’re not relationship experts (we’re mostly nerds), so we make no judgements on John and Jane’s problems or what actually might fix them! ↩


