Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

7. Face
Because facial skin is extremely soft. take extra care in keeping skin taut when removing the Strips. Failure to do this can lead to skin injury. If you have stubborn facial hair do not continue to rewax the same spot in one waxing session. This may cause redness. skini irritation. or bruising.

B. Eyebrows
Most people will find hair between their eyebrows grows upward. Check the direction of your hair growth. Apply a Marzena Petite Wax Strip, rubbing firmly into place between your eyebrows. Hold the skin taut. Quickly zip-back to remove. Keep the zip-back close to the skin.

DO NOT use wax strips under the eyebrow.

9. Above Lip
Generally above-lip hair grows down toward the lips.


7. 顔

8. 眉毛
眉と眉の間の毛が上向きに生えている人は多いと思います。あなたの毛の生えている向きを確認してください。Marzena Petite Wax Stripをつけ、眉と眉の間にしっかりこすりつけてください、肌はピンと張るようにしておきます。素早くピッとはがしてください。剥がすときは肌の至近で剥がします。


9. 唇の上

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Take care to firmly press the Strip onto the skin and quickly zip the Strip back in the opposite direction to the hair growth.

The correct position for waxing your right underarm is to raise your right arm. placing your right hand on the back of your head and positioning your elbow so that the skin under your arm feels taut. The Strips should be applied and removed with your other hand. Repeat thiw process for your other underarm.

Because it is difficult to keep underarm skin taut. you may require the assistance of another person. Do not proceed' until you have managed to keep the skin taut. Improper application can cause skin irritation. skin removal or other injury.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Unit is being sold as-is "no exceptions". It is a 42 year old Tuner so it isn't perfect. It has some minor cosmetic scratches If you are super An@l and want a perfect / flawless Tuner (this is not the piece for you). What this is: It's "A true Hi-Fi classic that someone can enjoy and appreciate. It's for a person who wants to still enjoy today's media broadcasts - but on a true vintage piece.. This McIntosh MX-113 is definitely a conversational piece and let's face it (the functionality of a tuner is still pretty much the same today). You tune into a radio frequency and you listen to either a radio show or a song. Not much has changed here! It needs some bulbs, not all of the lights, light up


ユニットは現状渡しで、「例外なし」です。これは42年経過したチューナーですので、完璧ではありません。外観に少々かすり傷があります。あなたが非常にAn@lで完璧無傷のチューナーをご希望なら、その場合はこの商品はおすすめできません。これは「わかる人には楽しめるすばらしい本物のHi-Fiクラシック」です。現代のメディア放送を本物のビンテージ機器で楽しみたい人に向いています。このMcIntosh MX-113は完全に対話型なので、向き合ってみてください(チューナーの機能性は現在のものとほぼ同じです)。ラジオの周波数を合わせてラジオショーや歌を聴くことができます。それほど変わってはいません!全部ではありませんが、照明部分の電球がいくつか必要です。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The US post offices requested that I contact them in two days and they will manually trace from the last place it was scanned to track the package. For some reason it was not scanned yet at the sorting facility in Japan. I doubt that the item was lost so I am sure it will show up.

In dealing with items for close to 40 years i have only lost a package once. The post office told me that sometimes they get delayed. They acknowledge receiving it and scanning it at the facility here. If it is truly lost I will pay for it but first we must track it down. i am worried as it would be sad to lose a piece of history but hopefully that is not the case.


