Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Area 57
Beneficiary Bank: Bank name, address, SWIFT CODE (the bank will receive your money)

Area 59
- Beneficiary: Your full name
- A/C No: Your account number (at Beneficiary bank)
- Address; Your address
- PP No/Date issued/Place issued
- Nationality

Area 70
- Details: Transfer
- Charges in VN/Charges outside VN (should be "Beneficiary": i will deduct from your amount here)

You can only transfer this amount for your own (means that the beneficiary name is tomoyuki)

You just fill the Party B: Your name, address and sign on the Party B below

Please send your form by email first.

Best regards,






2. 外国通貨取引
あなたは「当事者B(Party B)」の欄に名前と住所を記入し、「当事者B(Party B)」の下にサインしてください



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

For parts or not working: An item that does not function as intended and is not fully operational. This includes items that are defective in ways that render them difficult to use, items that require service or repair, or items missing essential components. See the seller’s listing for full details.
This is a portable speaker system from Motorola with JBL speakers, it sounds great. Can be connected via aux cable or bluetooth to mobile phones, iPods, and other divices. This item is not working. I did use it for a month and when I tried to use it no sound came out. The unit turns on and pairs to phone successful but no sound.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We do accept international orders from our website from individuals, but
we cannot accept orders from businesses or for a quantity of more than 5
of any item, for vests this means 5 vests total, not 5 of each style, but
5 total. Some of our items are in big demand and may be sold out and
backordered. Currently completion of an order for a single (1) vest might
take up to 3 months for completion.We only accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express for payment, we donot have paypal available. All international orders are sent via US Postal Service Insured Air Mail,we DO NOT use Fedex, UPS, or DHL for international, NO EXCEPTIONS.Mailing charges are determined by the size and weight of the parcel to be mailed



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

On Yahoo…

"If the board is willing to sell [Yahoo], I’m interested. They’ve just got to let us know.

We’ve been working with Yahoo for years to buy a portion of them or buy them out. Money is not the problem. The problem is what Yahoo wants to do."

But Jack Ma conceded that they’re just waiting for the board to say something, and that his own mind is set on this issue. He went on to say that he doesn’t know what the Yahoo board is pondering. On why Yahoo is so important to the industry…

"Without Yahoo, I wouldn’t have started my Internet business."

Ma said that he’d bring in new management if he were in charge of Yahoo, but declined to name a sort of dream team for the job.







gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

On the subject of copyright and copycats, Mr Ma said he didn’t agree with the view that Chinese sites tended to copy others, and said the point is to make your customers happy in whatever way you can – even if that entails following in someone else’s footsteps. That sounds a bit like our editorial, “Screw the Idea, It’s the Execution That Really Matters.”

But he maintained a harder stance on copyright, saying:

"We will never step back from our stance on intellectual property problems … This problem can’t be solved by Alibaba alone, it has to be solved by Alibaba working with its merchants."

On the Tmall.com virtual protests…






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Jack Ma at AsiaD: Money is Not the Problem, Yahoo Just Needs to Say Yes

Jack Ma’s onstage interview at the AsiaD conference in Hong Kong has just come to an end, which gave the Alibaba Group founder and CEO a chance to air some of his views on recent issues, such as the prospective purchase of Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO), and the virtual protest by some small businesses on his Tmall.com B2C platform.

In effect, Mr Ma didn’t say too much that was new, but it was good to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

Here’s what Ma had to say this morning on a number of key issues (to use the actual quotes from AllThingsD):



香港で開かれたAsiaD会議でのジャック・マー氏のオンステージインタビューがちょうど終わった。このインタビューはアリババグループの創設者でCEOの同氏に、Yahoo(NASDAQ:YHOO)の買収の見込みや彼のTmall.com B2Cプラットフォームでの零細事業者からの仮想抗議などの最近の問題について見解を述べるチャンスを与えた。



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Ogilvy’s ‘Social Media Equivalents’ in China 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Ogilvy’s Asia Pacific arm has recent republished its ‘China Social Media Equivalants’ chart. One of the most notable changes since the last time the group published this graphic is in the SNS/Microblogging section, where a couple of Weibos (Sina and Tencent) straddle both classifications.

The graphic is pretty solid, I think, with our only suggested addition being social games. But then again, is there a Chinese answer to a company like Zynga? Not yet, anyway.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The TV-time mobile apps break things down into three searchable segments: what’s playing now on TV; ‘hottest’ TV series; and program listings. Using any one these, users can find the shows they like, and then read and/or engage with other viewers in the apps, in the form of comments or starting new discussions. As with BBS, which are so popular in China – especially in the form of Baidu’s (NASDAQ:BIDU) Tieba, or the indie MOP.com – TV-time encourages expert users to lead the way, and thereby make the service into a more insightful watching companion than general news or showbiz websites.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Annoyingly, TV-time demands a separate sign-up, with no third-party login – eg: via Weibo, or Kaixin – yet available.

Similar TV-oriented social media sites have taken off in the US, such as GetGlue.

The only trouble I can see with this TV-time is that – in its current, limited form – it’s easily replaceable. If Chinese TV stations were to get a bit more with it and think up hashtags for some popular TV shows – as is now common in the UK and the US – then viewers could engage with each other more easily on Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) or Tencent (HKG:700) Weibo instead.

Check out the TV-time website to sign-up and get mobile downloads.




このTV-timeの唯一の問題は、私が思うに、現在のその制限のあるフォームだと思う。このフォームは簡単に変更できるのではないか。もし中国のテレビ局がこのようなサービスにもっと歩み寄って人気のテレビショーにハッシュタグを付けることを考えたなら(これはイギリスやアメリカでは既にポピュラーになっている)、視聴者はSina(NASDAQ:SINA)やTencent (HKG:700)Weiboでもっと簡単にお互いのつながりを深めることができるだろう。
