Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Personally, I think soloing is a more rewarding style; I get more out of soloing a pitch than I do from climbing it with a rope. I think part of it is knowing that I did it the best that I could. But if I had to choose one or the other I would definitely choose roped climbing. I prefer being able to push myself physically. Soloing things is just a rewarding thing to do on the side.

I don't have much of a detailed workout plan, though I go through phases when I'm really fastidious about doing extra workouts like pushups and core. And sometimes I do cardio. But usually I just go climbing. Seems to work out ok for the kinds of things I like to do.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 116-3
His intellectual discipline even extended to vacations. For a long time he didn't take holidays, believing them to be a sign of weakness. Eventually, however, he relented, but only after finding a way to make them more productive by giving them a theme. On one occasion he went to Brazil and gave the holiday a physics theme. While he was away he read a number of physics books including The Molecular Biology of the Gene by James D. Watson.

In order to stay up to speed with new technologies, Gates assembled a collection of the leading experts in a particular technical area and had them provide intensive briefing sessions. The 'think weeks' totally immersed Gates in a subject




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

MiniGames: A Review of Sina Weibo’s Little Amusement Park

In a bid to monetize its user-friendly but financially dragging giant, Sina recently imbued its Weibo microblogging platform with its own currency — the weibi — and games. But are these games actually any good? I dove into a few of them to find out. This is the fifth in a series of reviews of Sina Weibo games.

amusementLittle Amusement Park is the worst amusement park simulator ever.

Perhaps I should explain. Basically, this game follows the same basic path of games like WeiCity and Ha Ha Market, where you create a small community and then try to make money off it while insufferably upbeat music loops in the background.


ミニゲーム:Sina Weiboのリトルアミューズメントパークのレビュー

ユーザーフレンドリーであり大きな収益源であるSina Weiboの収益性をさらに高める試みとして、Sinaは最近Weiboのマイクロブロギングプラットフォームに独自の通貨、Weibiと独自のゲームを組み入れた。しかしこれらのゲームは本当におもしろいのだろうか?私は確かめるため、いくつかを使ってみた。これはSina Weiboゲームのレビューシリーズの第5回目だ。


説明が必要だろう。基本的に、このゲームはWeiCityとHa Ha Marketと同じ基本路線をとっており、BGM小さなコミュニティを作ってお金をもうけていくというものだが、その時のアップビートなBGMが耐えがたい。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Now, to be fair to the folks who made this game, sort of, I am using Google Chrome on a Mac to play. The game probably works OK if you’re using IE6 in Windows XP (a pretty popular combination in China). That said, every other game I’ve tested has worked fine on this exact same hardware and software. If they didn’t bother to test for it — or if I’m wrong and the game is buggy regardless of what browser you’re on — there’s really no excuse for that.

Having now looked at a bunch of these games, I also can’t help but think many of these developers have missed out on something very important for any successful new game: the hook.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You’ve got to have something that gets the player’s attention when they first start and makes them want to keep playing. Bigger games (like console and PC games) often do this through introducing the story, smaller games (like browser and mobile games) often do this by introducing a simple core gameplay element. The absolute best games do both at once. What good games almost never do — and this is something that nearly all of these Weibo games do — is immediately dump you into the middle of a dry tutorial. Some games need a tutorial, sure, but give first-time players a taste of what they’re working towards first, or there’s no reason for them to bother with it.

