Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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gloria Japanese → English
Original Text



The mechanism of the product which you sold me does not function well. It sometimes emits abnormal noise and the melody is faint. Therefore, I sent it to an agent of Reuge in Japan to have it inspected.

The agent told me that it needed repairing.

Since the parts are very old and need to be replaced, the repairing fee is expensive; it costs 52,000 yen (approximately $650). Attached please find the quotation.

I prefer to have it repaired rather than returning it to you.

The functioning of the product was not the same with your explanation, so at heart I would like you to bear the entire repairing costs, but the repairing fee is too expensive. Please let me know how much can you bear this repairing fee. I propose you to bear $325, which is the half of the quotation. I hope you would accept my proposal. I am looking forward to hearing from you.