Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you. We have paid the duty invoice and await delivery this week. As per your previous correspondence I'd be grateful if you would arrange for a refund to be made. Details shown below for your convenience.

Hi, Customer is not willing to pay for the additional customs charge as based on the policy this shld. be borne by you and already included on the total amt. of the item.Also she needs to have the item ASAP and the complete tracking details.Thanks for the prompt action

Hello, i brought the 1/6 commander Cody figure, and I was just wondering, if you have send it? because I didn't received a confirmed email about the order...





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Quiero comprar una: La noche más negra Martian Manhunter.

Mi pregunta es: ¿Tiene Costo De ENVIO o es gratis?

Porqué un dar el prodecedimiento de Checkout, me vender solo el el total del Costo de la Figura. No del ENVÍO.

¿Es correcto o me cobrarán Algo Más?

I want to buy one: Blackest Night Martian Manhunter.

My question is: Does shipping cost or free?

Why a give prodecedimiento Checkout, I sell only the total cost of FIG. No SHIPPING.

Is it right or I charged Something More?

I'm interested in buying tamiya 1/12 rc211v repsol honda '02
Before I submit the order, I would like to ask, is it possible to lower the invoice ? so that I could avoid paying taxes ?

Thanks for your considerations.
Warm regards,









gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

1.3 “Control System” shall mean the computer system that manages the incentive point and procurement of Goods.
1.4 “Defects” shall mean the Goods handed over to the Membership does not conform to the order or has any damages.
1.5 “Goods” shall mean the product(s) and/or the service(s) including with but not limited to the voucher, coupon and right to receive the service which the Seller would like to supply or sell by imputing their information such as kinds, name, qualification, etc. in the Control System of the Buyer with the prior consent of the Buyer in order for the Membership to exchange with the received point. The information of Goods can be changed by the agreement of the Parties.


1.3 「コントロールシステム」とは、インセンティブポイントと商品の調達を管理するコンピューターシステムを意味する。
1.4 「欠陥」とは、メンバーシップにひきわたされた商品が注文と一致しない又はダメージがあることを意味する。
1.5 「商品」とは、メンバーシップが受け取ったポイントと交換できるようにするためにバイヤーのコントロールシステム内にある種類、名前、資格などのセラーの情報をバイヤーに帰属させることにより、セラーが供給又は販売するバウチャー、クーポン及びサービスを受ける権利を含む(ただしこれらに限られない)製品及び/サービスを意味する。商品の情報は当事者間の合意により交換が可能である。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

1.6 “User” shall mean the person who has received the point issued by the Buyer from the client and has been registered in the Control System of the Buyer for using the point for exchanging the Goods.
2. References to clauses, schedules and appendices are, unless otherwise stated, to clauses, schedules and appendices of this Agreement.
3. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. Words importing a gender include every gender and references to persons include bodies corporate or unincorporated and natural persons.
4. References to days, months and years are to calendar days, calendar months and Gregorian calendar years respectively unless the context clearly provides otherwise.


1.6 「ユーザー」とは、バイヤーによりクライアントから発行されたポイントを受け取って商品と交換するためにポイントを使うためにバイヤーのコントロールシステムに登録された人を意味する。
2. 節、表及び添付書類についての言及は、別の記載がない限り、本契約書の説、表及び添付書類を意味する。
3. 単数形であらわされている語であっても複数のものを指す場合があるし、その逆も同様である。性別が暗示される語であっても、別の性別を指すものを含む場合があるし、また人に言及している語であっても、法人体企業を指す場合もあるし、自然人を指す場合もある。
4. 日、月、年は、文脈上明らかに別の意味に読まれない限り、暦日、歴月、グレゴリオ暦に基づく年を意味する。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account indicates your pre-fulfilment order cancel rate does not meet our performance target of less than 2.5%.

As per our policies pre-fulfilment order cancel rate should not be more than 2.5%.

Before we can consider reinstatement of your selling privileges, please provide us with a detailed account of what steps you will take to ensure your pre-fulfilment order cancel rate comply with our policies. We will then review your plan and determine whether to reinstate your selling privileges.

For information on creating and submitting your plan, search for “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help.





プランの作成と提出についての情報は、ヘルプの“Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges(販売特権の停止についての申立)”をご覧ください。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We noticed that you list the following products in the UK that can also be listed in other EU marketplaces. With the new Build International Listings tool, you can automatically:
Create listings on other B EU marketplaces based on products you are selling on B.co.uk.
Update listings on other Amazon EU marketplaces based on changes to your listings on B.co.uk.
Adjust your prices based on exchange rate fluctuations and the pricing rules you set for other b EU marketplaces.
In short, the Build International Listings tool will cross-list your items with a few clicks of a button.
Learn more about Build International Listings



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The company may dismiss the Employee without notice or payment due to the Employee
in relation to the employment;-
  a)Willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order;
  b)Commits misconduct such misconduct being in consistent with the due and faithfully
    discharge of his/her duties;
  c)Habitually neglectful in his/her duties;
  d)Guilty of fraud or dishonesty;
  e)Unfit for further service as certified by doctor.

the Company may terminate the employment immediately if it judges this to
    be necessary to protect its business or its good name and the Employee shall be
    entitled to compensation and benefits up to the date of termination only・

n Witness whereof, the undersigned have executed this Agreement:


a) 本従業員が合法的で妥当な命令に対して悪意を持って従わなかった場合;
b) 本従業員が行うべき義務を遂行することに矛盾する不正行為を行った場合;
c) 本従業員の義務の遂行において習慣的に怠慢であった場合;
d) 不正を行ったまたは不誠実であると断定された場合;
e) 意思によりそれ以上仕事を続けることが望ましくないと認められた場合。


(訳注:b)のin consistentは文脈からしてinconsistentと解釈しました)

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

If the Company becomes aware of a suspected or actual breach of this agreement by Ms.@
and notify to Ms.@ of its awareness,Ms.@ shall immediately take all reasonable steps
to prevent or stop any said suspected or actual breach by Ms.@
  The Company shall have the right to be indemnified in the event that Ms.@engages in a
breach of the obligation under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that monetary
indemnification would not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this Agreement and the
Company shall be entitled to any other rights or remedies available to the Company under
applicable law.
   The confidential and non-use obligation of the Employee under this Section


本セクションに基づく本従業員の秘密保持義務と不使用義務は (訳注:文が途切れているので次につづきます)

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

(a) To the extent permitted by law and without waiving sovereign immunity, SUBCONTRACTOR shall defend and hold RPSEA and RPSEA’s customers harmless from and against any and all damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or relating to any claims, causes of action, lawsuits or other proceedings, regardless of legal theory, that result, in whole or in part, from SUBCONTRACTOR’s (or any of SUBCONTRACTOR’s employees, agents or representatives): (i) intentional misconduct, negligence, or fraud, (ii) breach of any representation or covenant made herein,


7.0 責任
(a) 法で許される限り及び国家主権による免責特権を放棄することなく、下請人はPRESA及びPRESAの顧客を、クレーム、訴因、訴訟又はその他の法的手続き(法理論の如何を問わない)から生じる又はそれらに関連して下請人(あるいは下請人の従業員、代理人又は代表者)の(i)社内不正行為、怠慢又は詐欺行為、(ii)本契約でなされる表明や宣誓に関する違反、又は(iii)製品又はサービスからその全部又は一部が生じるあらゆる損害、損失、責任及び出費(合理的な弁護士費用を含む)から防衛し損害を受けないようにする。
(訳注:#2の最初の"or (iii) products or services."までで一文なのでそこまで訳しました)