Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Combining two satellite viewing geometries, acquired in Envisat's Wide Swath and Image modes, we observe decimetre-scale coseismic deformation. The maximum line-of-sight displacement is found to be about 40 cm, located at the Mejillones Peninsula. Slip inversions using elastic half-space models with geometry constrained by aftershocks suggest rupturing of an area of ∼ 160 km by ∼50 km along the Nazca–South America convergent margin between latitudes 22°S and 23.5°S. The main slip is concentrated on two asperities, the largest being located in the southern part of the rupture area at a depth of approximately 30–50 km with a magnitude of about 2.5 m.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I hope that we can continue our upcoming activities in best possible way. As per our accounting department, attached please find the invoice for your due payment. The total invoice value is $ 7,070 responsible for 1010 grams of sesame (net weight). As per the TNT bill (attached herewith), we paid for TNT $ 1750 just for transportation & clearance charges.
In this case, as you are our most valued and respected official agent and that we value your personality, enthusiasms and willingness for promoting the Afghan sesame in to the Japanese market, therefore we give you a most suitable discount as below.
$ 1750 is the TNT transportation charges we added to the price of sesame.
Due amount $ 5,285.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

If you refer to the attached invoice billed by our accounting
department, they charged you 6 dollar per gram. According to the
foregoing discount figures, we have given you 2, 5 dollar discount per
After the discount made herein, the amount of 3540 USD were deducted
from the total invoices value.
To be honest with you we have not gotten any profit even we made lose.
Considering the highest quality of our sesame, the cost of
containers, packing, logistics, staffing...etc. I hope you are
satisfied with this. Shall you have any concern, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Please note that due to communication problem and the way that we
understood you, we packed the sesame as per your request.


(訳注:最後の段落(Please noteで始まる)は、英語でのコミュニケーションにやや問題がありながらも、何とか理解し、ご要望に沿って荷造りしましたよ、という意味と解釈しました。)

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, we were only required to ship this to a US address. I have a couple of suggestions, though:

1. have your US shipping company remove the dangerous article (the carbonator) and ship the unit without it. We can refund you $12.00, but need the filled carbonator returned to us.
2. have your US shipping company return only the carbonator to us for an exchange. We can ship an empty one to you which is safe to ship overseas. EVEN EXCHANGE.
3. return the entire unit for a refund, but return shipping cost is your responsibility
4. buy an empty carbonator from us and have the shipping company dispose of the filled one

