Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi Naoki,

Since our verification service does not work on cards issued outside of the United States, we have been unable to verify the billing address on your credit card. We can only ship to the billing address that is attached to the credit card. This is for the cardholder's, as well as our, protection against credit card fraud.

For internationally issued credit cards, we will require a fax (1-631-389-2153) or email scan (lizy@cameta.com) of a recent legible credit card billing statement for your credit card containing all of the following:

1-the name/logo of the issuing bank
2-your name
3-your complete billing address (this is the only address that we can ship to)
4-the credit card number






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Please include your auction/order number when you send the document, so it does not delay the processing of your order.

We have found that the monthly billing statement that the credit card company sends to your house is the best example of the required document. You can black out any personal information on the document that does not pertain to this verification, such as balances and payments. For security reasons, your document will be securely disposed of after the verification is complete. A new document will be required for subsequent orders.

Your payment via credit card can not be processed without an acceptable billing statement for your credit card.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

For payment without a verification document or shipment to an address other than the billing address:
We can also accept Certified Bank Check or Bank-to-Bank Transfer. To complete your order, you will need to forward: your complete name and shipping address, your order/auction #, and an Global Money Order or Certified Bank Check in the amount of $1052.85 USD to:

For Payment with a Bank-to-Bank Transfer please let us know so the necessary steps can be taken and we can send you the necessary details.

Please notify us if you are sending payment via Certified Bank Check so we can make the appropriate notes in your order. Failure to notify us could result in your order being placed into payment dispute.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Constructed from industrial-strength materials, the Big Shot Pro Machine features a 13" wide opening to cut or emboss many different materials. Included with this Big Shot Pro are a Standard Sliding Tray, a Standard Adapter Pad, a Standard Cutting Pad, a Premium Crease Pad, two 0.10 mm Mylar Shims and a Die Pick. The Standard Sliding Tray accommodates the movement of all shape-cutting or embossing products measuring 12" x 14" or smaller through the machine opening. The Big Shot Pro Standard Adapter Pad makes all Sizzix steel-rule dies measuring 12" x 14" or smaller compatible with the Big Shot Pro Machine. (Additional platforms or adapters may be required to create the sandwich.)


業務用の強度を持つ素材を使って構成されてたBig Shot Pro Machineは様々な素材をカット又はエンボス加工する13インチのワイドオープニングが特徴です。Big Shot Proにはスタンダードスライディングトレー、スタンダードアダプターパッド、スタンダードカッティングパッド、プレミアムひだ寄せパッド、2つの0.10mmのマイラーシムズとダイピックがが含まれています。スタンダードスライディングトレーはマシンの開口部から12×14インチ以下の全形状のカッティング製品又はエンボス製品の動きを受け入れることができます。Big Shot Proスタンダードアダプターパッドを使えば12×14インチ以下の全てのSizzixスチール製スケールダイがBig Shot Pro で使用できます。(サンドイッチを作るには追加のプラットフォーム又はアダプタが必要になる場合があります。)