Eiko (gloria)

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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I can translate from English to Japanese and vice versa. I have been working as a translator since early 1990’s. I am good at translation in the fields of patents, agreements, legal & intellectual property and industrial technologies. Especially agreement/contract is my specialized area. Anyway, I would like to try diverse genres of translation.
Puedo traducir de inglés/español a japonés. Los campos de mi especialidad son contratos, documentos legales y tecnologías.

I graduated in the faculty of English literature of a national university. I work in a company, translating various types of documents. I always keep in mind when translating that the translated work should be in fluent Japanese, tailored to the intended readers.
Gradué en la facultad de literatura inglesa de la Universidad de Niigata.

Since I have been interested in Peru from when I was young, I learned Spanish on my own.
Amo Perú desde cuando era muy joven.

Intérprete de inglés/español de la Copa Mundial de futbol Korea/Japón 2002
Intérprete de español de la Copa Mundial de Gatebol 2014


工業英検2級/2nd grade of English Technical Writing Test
Nivel de español: DELE B2


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → Japanese Law 20–25 years 秘密保持契約、取引基本契約、製造委託契約、販売代理店契約、設計委託契約、機器供給契約、etc.
English → Japanese technology 20–25 years 民生機械
English → Japanese Patents 20–25 years 民生機械
English → Japanese Business 20–25 years
English → Japanese Science 15–20 years
English → Japanese IT 10–15 years
Japanese → English Business 20–25 years 民生機械
Japanese → English technology 20–25 years 民生機械
Japanese → English Law 20–25 years 秘密保持契約、取引基本契約、製造委託契約、販売代理店契約、設計委託契約、機器供給契約、etc.
Japanese → English Patents 20–25 years

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Senior English ≫ Japanese 94  / 2 112  / 908043 5903  / 2789481
Senior Español ≫ Japanese 11 8  / 1288 53  / 18454
Standard Spanish(Latin America) ≫ Japanese 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Japanese ≫ English 35  / 1 47  / 20490 7432  / 570537
Starter Japanese ≫ Español 27 0  / 0 30  / 5498
Starter Español ≫ English 2 0  / 0 6  / 680
Starter Spanish(Latin America) ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter English ≫ Spanish(Latin America) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Spanish(Latin America) ≫ Español 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Español ≫ Spanish(Latin America) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter Japanese ≫ Spanish(Latin America) 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Trainee English ≫ Español 2 0  / 0 26  / 11625

Working Data

Working Hours
last 6 months (hour / month)
Submission Rate
(submission count / order count)
426 hour / month 100 % (199 / 200)