zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Silicon Valley’s Fenox Venture Capital invests in Japanese green energy company IACC

Silicon Valley-based Fenox Venture Capital has announced today that it has invested in IACC, a Japanese startup that is running a solar power marketplace based in Japan. The company has amassed USD 10M in revenue in the last fiscal year, representing a 500 percent year-on-year growth.

The marketplace, called Green-EnergyNavi, matches solar power products to consumers’ energy requirements. The website contains user reviews and cost estimates for a specific item, allowing consumers to select products that best meet their needs.


シリコンバレーのFenox Venture Capitalが日本のグリーンエネルギー企業IACCに出資

シリコンバレーに拠点をおくFenox Venture Capitalが、日本で太陽光発電プロダクトのマーケットプレイスを運営する日本のスタートアップIACCに出資したことを本日発表した。IACCは2012年の会計年度に1000万ドルの収益を上げ、前年対比で500%を成長を遂げた。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

10 Philippine startups get seed funding from IdeaSpace

Philippine startup incubator IdeaSpace has announced the ten winners of its national startup competition. The startups will each receive P500k (USD 12k) in seed funding and six months of incubation, where they will get office space, business operations support, and housing facilities for those not based in Metro Manila.

During the incubation period, the more promising startups could receive additional cash support from IdeaSpace of up to P5 million. Teams will also be introduced to other investors in Philippines, Silicon Valley, and other parts of the world.



