yyokoba Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

“It was inspired basically by my own frustration,” says co-founder Jeffrey Broer over my Skype interview with him, admitting that he can only speak about five sentences in Mandarin. “I’ve been in and out of mainland China for over 10 years, and there are all these fascinating people online that I want to follow, but I can’t. It was a whole world that I couldn’t grasp.”

Broer, the founder of another Hong-Kong based startup, Grayscale, put together a team of four late in 2012, and Surround App received about US$15,000 in seed funding (plus office space and technical guidance) from HK Accelerator.


「基本的に自分のフラストレーションから思いつきました」と記者とのスカイプ取材で述べるのは、共同創立者のJeffrey Broer氏で、彼は広東語で5つ程度のの文章しか話せないと認める。「私は過去十年間、中国本土に出入りしているが、フォローしたい、たくさんの興味深い人々がオンラインにいるにも関わらず、それができません。私が把握できない、全くもう一つの世界だったのです。」

もう一つの香港に拠点を置くスタートアップであるGrayscaleの創立者でもある、Broer氏は4人のチームを2012年末に結成し、Surround Appは約15,000ドルのシード資金(およびオフィススペースと技術指導)をHK Acceleratorから受け取った。

yyokoba English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Targeted at “language students, bloggers, micro-celebrities and managers in China”, Surround App plans to follow a freemium model – the free app will allow awkward machine translations (like copy-pasting a block of text into Google Translate) of all Sina Weibo content, helped partly by a slang database that the team is planning to build into future releases. Broer adds:

We’re still playing around with the specifics. But we’ll have monthly subscriptions that will feature human translations of specific accounts, a ‘curated’ human-translated daily news section, and packages for corporate clients.


「中国の言語学習者、ブロガー、プチセレブ、およびマネージャー」をターゲットにしたSurround Appはフリーミアム型サービスを計画している。無料アプリは、全てのSina Weiboコンテンツの、ぎこちない機械翻訳(Google Translateでテキストをコピペしたような)を、同チームが将来のリリースに搭載予定のスラングデータベースで一部補完したものを見ることができる。さらにBroer氏はこう付け加えた:


yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello from Amazon.com.

We are actively investigating your Amazon.com A-to-z Guarantee claim for transaction 110-9280615-6181840. The seller has agreed to take a return and has sent you return instructions on 2/21/2013 with return labels included. Please follow these instructions.

We will need the tracking number used to return the item. Please note that we will be unable to take further action until we receive this information. If we do not receive the tracking information for your return, your claim may be closed.

We look forward to your reply to this message and thank you for your patience during our investigation.




私たちはお客様のAmazon.com A-to-z 保証請求番号110-9280615-6181840について積極的に調査しております。セラーは返品を受け付けることに同意し、返品ラベル入りの返品指示を2013年2月21日にお送りしました。これらの指示に従って返品していただくようおねがいします。




yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text


Here is the price quoted you previously:
80+ x $252.50 each
Shipping is = $85 per box of 10x.
Shipping above is for International Priority.

Unfortunately, Steinberg has raised our cost on this item so the new total is $260 each for more than 80x.

1-19x = $290.00 each
20-79x = $275.00 each
80-100+ = $260.00 each

For Domestic Shipment it would be -
$50 UPS Ground for 20x. So, it would come out to = $250.

But we will split it with you and do =
$25 for a pack of 20x. So, Shipping = $125 in the US Only.

If we ship to any Florida Address, please note we must charge tax.

Please let us know what you would like to do.

Thank You,



80個以上 一個当たり$252.50
送料 一箱(10個)あたり$85
上記送料はInternational Priorityでの発送


1-19個 一個当たり$290.00
20-79個 一個当たり$275.00
80-100+個 一個当たり$260.00

UPS Groundで20個当たり$50、したがって$250になります。



