yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Cubie currently supports English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, Thai, German, Italian, Indonesian and Portuguese. In addition to the four new languages supported, Cubie’s Spanish and Thai versions have been completely re-translated with help from the Get Localization community.

“We’re extremely pleased to offer an even better messaging service to our users in these markets. Response from our users has been fantastic, they’ve done all the hard work themselves. In the future, we hope to crowdsource more languages to reach even more users around the world.” – Co-founder and CEO Yenwen Feng.


現在Cubieは英語、スペイン語、中国語(簡体字および繁体字)、日本語、タイ語、ドイツ語、イタリア語、インドネシア語、およびポルトガル語に対応している。新たに対応した4言語に加え、Cubieのスペイン語およびタイ語版はGet Localizationコミュニティの助けを借りて、完全に再翻訳された。

「私たちは、これらの市場のユーザーにさらに良いメッセージングサービスを提供することができて、大変喜んでいます。私たちのユーザーの反応はすばらしく、彼ら自身で全ての大変な作業をこなしてしまいました。これからは、世界中のより多くのユーザーに使ってもらうために、さらに多くの言語対応をクラウドソーシングで行いたいと考えています。」、共同創業者およびCEOのYenwen Feng氏は述べた。

yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple is gearing up for a year of product "surprises" starting this fall, according to CEO Tim Cook, who appeared to point to late 2013 as a time frame for when fans of the company can expect new devices.

Cook appeared to point to the fall of 2013 as a time when consumers could expect new products from Apple. Continuing in Apple's tradition of near silence on forthcoming products, Cook gave no specifics, but the Apple head specifically mentioned "the fall and all of 2014" as a time to expect new products.

Pressed later in the call on the issue, Cook parried the question, saying that he didn't want to get too specific on Apple's product rollout schedule, but sticking to the fall pronouncement.





yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Family comes first for Tom Cruise. Though he's been traveling the globe to promote his new movie Oblivion, the 50-year-old actor made sure to schedule some quality time with his youngest daughter, Suri. Cruise called in to Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show on Wednesday, April 17, just one day ahead of his little girl's 7th birthday.

When asked how he plans to help Suri celebrate, Katie Holmes' ex-husband replied, "Done already. All done. I take care of the kids early. You'll know -- you have to plan ahead for these things. It's all done and all celebrated." Cruise didn't divulge specific details about their daddy-daughter time, but he did admit to indulging in some sweets.




yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

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Return to Merchant at their expense. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. If you can obtain the prepaid label, we can return your goods for a flat $7 fee.





yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

Production of fifth-generation iPad to begin in July-August, say sources

Volume production of the fifth-generation 9.7-inch iPad will kick off in July-August 2013, according to sources with Taiwan-based supply chain makers. Yield rates for key components, especially touch panels, will be a major concern for smooth production.

The sources pointed out that the new iPad will be thinner and lighter than the fourth-generation one and will adopt a slim bezel design, similar to that of the iPad mini.

The new iPad's display is expected to be supplied by LG Display and Sharp, while the touch panel assembly will be conducted by TPK and the ITO thin film supplied by Nitto Denko and Teijin, the sources added.




関係者によると、新iPadは第4世代よりも薄くて軽くなり、iPad miniと同様のスリムなベゼルデザインを採用するということです。


yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

10 Step Guide to Running a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Yesterday marked the end of HelpLearn.Asia’s event. One of the topics that got me sitting up was crowdfunding – a relatively new concept in Asia – that Daryl Arnold of Newton Circus (not the hawker centre in Singapore) shed some light on.

Hear ye, all you who are interested in raising capital but are sick of trying to convince the rich people to invest in your idea. Try tapping into the masses instead. Besides raising money, crowdfunding also serves a marketing purpose. It’s another way of getting the word out on your idea and to test your concept.



昨日はHelpLearn Asiaイベントの最終日だった。私が関心を持ったトピックの一つは、アジアでは比較的新しいコンセプトである、クラウドファンディングで、Newton Circus(シンガポールのホーカーセンターではない)のDaryl Arnold氏が説明してくれた。
