yyokoba Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

also, from my expirience with invisible gtx650
steps to flash it after applying hardware trick

nvflash --list
nvflash --index=X --save shit.rom (X is your card index, look at list output) nvflash --index original.rom

this way I bypassed error of eeprom chip was knocked out durring flashing

I read this and was surprised it works because you are grounding a serial input (SI) pin.

The "proper" way of doing this is to ground the CE# (pin 1) during the INIT process. CE# is a generic pin on many ICs and controls whether the chip is enabled or disabled.
Grounding SI would equal to a DoS attack on the chip...

Hehe, that's why it felt so bad after.
Edited original blog post, thanks.



nvflash --list
nvflash --index=X --save shit.rom (Xはあなたのcard index, リスト出力を見てください) nvflash --index original.rom


「正しい」やりかたは、INIT処理中にCE#(pin 1)を接地することです。CE#は多くのICで一般的なピンで、チップが有効か無効かを制御するピンです。


yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

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yyokoba English → Japanese
Original Text

The two co-founders of VIP Plaza are an experienced pair. Tesong Kim is the former director of Rakuten Indonesia and is now the new site’s CEO. Business partner Yoga S. Sugiharto has a background at investment bank BNP Paribas. Kim tells Tech in Asia that VIP Plaza has funding from Japan’s CyberAgent Ventures, though the investment sum hasn’t been revealed. CyberAgent Ventures has long taken an interest in Indonesian e-commerce and gaming startups.

Kim explains that the team’s aim is to grow the new e-store to 300 popular fashion brands within the year. “Our vision is to be Indonesia’s most exciting e-commerce company, where people can find something to enrich their lifestyle,” he adds.


VIP Plazaの共同創業者たちは経験豊富な二人組だ。Tesong Kim氏はRakuten Indonesiaの前ディレクターで、現在は新サイトのCEOである。ビジネスパートナーのYoga S. Sugiharto氏は投資銀行のBNP Paribasに勤務経験がある。Kim氏はVIP Plazaが日本のCyberAgent Venturesから資金提供を受けていると、金額は明示せずにTech in Asiaに伝えた。CyberAgent Venturesは長い間にわたってインドネシアのeコマースやゲーム関連のスタートアップに関心を寄せている。
