yosshy_k Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yosshy_k English → Japanese
Original Text

(LCD Indicator - ) This advanced mode allows easy acquisition of small targets and game without
inadvertently getting distances to background targets that have stronger signal strength. When more than one object
has been acquired, distance of the closer object will be displayed and a crosshair will surround the BullsEye™ indicator
informing the user that distance to the closer object is being displayed in the LCD.
Once in this mode, press the POWER button to turn the unit on. Next, align the aiming circle onto the object (i.e.
deer) that you want distance to.Next, press and hold the POWER button and move the laser slowly over the deer
until crosshairs surround the BullsEye indicator.


(LCDインジケーター -) このアドバンスドモードでは、後方のより強力な信号を持つ標的の距離を誤って測定することなく、小さな標的や獲物の距離を容易に取得することが出来ます。

yosshy_k English → Japanese
Original Text

If the laser beam recognized more
than one object (i.e. deer and background trees), distance of the closer object (i.e. deer) will be displayed and
crosshairs will surround the BullsEye indicator informing the user that distance to the closer object is being displayed
in the LCD (Figure 1). There may be times when only the laser beam only sees one object in its path. In this case,
the distance will be displayed, but because more than one object was not acquired, crosshairs will not surround the
BullsEye indicator.
TIP: While pressing the POWER button, you can move the device slowly from object to object and intentionally
force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the closest



yosshy_k English → Japanese
Original Text

Once in this mode, press the POWER button to turn the unit on. Next, align the aiming circle onto the object that
you want distance to. Next, press and hold the POWER button and move the laser slowly over the object until a circle
surrounds the Brush indicator. If the laser beam recognized more than one object (i.e. close-up tree branch and a deer
in the background), distance of the further object (i.e. deer) will be displayed and a circle will surround the brush
indicator informing the user that distance to the farther object is being displayed (Figure 2). There may be times when
only the laser beam only sees one object in its path.
In this case, the distance will be displayed,



yosshy_k English → Japanese
Original Text

the circle will not surround the Brush indicator.
TIP: While pressing the POWER button, you can move the device slowly from object to object and intentionally
force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the furthest of the objects recognized by
the laser
Once the device has shut off, the unit will always default back to the last targeting mode used


Vivid Display Technology™ dramatically improves contrast, clarity and light transmission while increasing brightness
of the digital readout, making distance readings legible in low light environments.




Vivid Display Technology™によりコントラスト、明瞭性、光の透過を飛躍的に向上させ、また数値表示の明るさも上昇させることにより、光の少ない環境においても距離表示が読みやすくなっています。