yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Whenever I’ve done this in the past, it has taken a lot of time. Time that I might have saved if Piktochart were available then.

Logging into Piktochart can be done via Facebook or Twitter, which makes it easy to get started. The interface is simple. You select a theme and dive straight into building your infographic. The interface looks a like a stripped-down version of Photoshop or Keynote. So for folks who aren’t familiar with the functions, it might look a little messy. But once you get used to it, it’s ok. The usual font, color, layer options are placed at the top. On the left, you can find all the necessary shapes and graphics for your infographic.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

But a partner at GSR Ventures, Zhu Xiaohu, let slip on his microblog page that things were not looking too good for the VIPShop proposal, saying that “the IPO window” is probably not open to the e-commerce site. He later added, as he was a party to the discussions, that it’s “still very challenging. [VIPShop is] too aggressive on price range.”

Others in the industry also rate VIPShop’s chances as slim – partly because the global economic outlook is still a bit grim, but mainly because the e-commerce site’s profit margins are pretty thin and some of its logistics costs are reportedly twice that of other leading sites in this sector in China.


しかし、GSRベンチャーズのパートナー、Zhu Xiaohuは、自身のブログページで、「IPO(新規株式公開)の窓口は恐らくeコマースサイトには開かれていない」として、VIPShopの計画にとって事態はよくない、とつづっている。また後に、この論議の当事者として、やはりまだとても挑戦的だ、「VIPShop」は価格幅がアグレッシブすぎる、と付け加えている。


yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

The Tencent’s Way of Doing Ecommerce

Listed above are disclosed investments, there’re some undisclosed cases out there. And don’t forget Tencent’s own C2C (paipai) and B2C businesses (QQ Mall and QQ Wanggou). However, it seems that these efforts and investments haven’t brought any big return to the company yet.

According to a Morgan Stanley report out last March, Tencent mainly engaged in ecommerce business through two ways:

a) Launches ecommerce open platform such as paipai platform, tenpay platform, and group buying platform initiative in an aim to maximize Tencent’s value as an ecommerce open platform,v


Tencent のイーコマースのやり方

先に述べたのは公開された投資だ。他に、公開されていないものもある。そして、Tencentは、C2C(paipai)やB2C(QQ MallとQQWanggou)も所有していることを忘れてはならない。しかし、これらの努力や投資は、この会社にまだ大きな利益をもたらしていないのだ。



yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Gaming Studio Coconut Island Partners with DeNA China

Chinese game developer Coconut Island Studio announced on its blog today that it will partner with DeNA China, the China subsidiary of Japanese mobile social gaming giant DeNA (TYO:2432), as a publishing partner. Going forward, the studio’s Android games will be available on the Mobage China gaming platform.

For DeNA, it’s another incremental step in its China push, which we’ve tried to follow as much as possible. The company has also been busy bringing in platform parnters, which to date include the likes of Baidu, Kaixin001, Qihoo 360, and just last week Sina Weibo.


中国のゲームスタジオ、Coconut IslandがDeNAチャイナとパートナーに

中国のゲーム開発会社Coconut Island Studioは、日本のモバイルソーシャルゲームの大会社、DeNA(TYO:2432)の中国支社DeNA Chinaと出版部門でパートナーとなる、と今日ブログでと発表した。この計画が進むと、このスタジオのアンドロイドゲームがモバゲーチャイナのゲーミングプラットフォームで入手できるようになる。

我々もこれまでできる限りフォローするように努めてきたDeNAの推し進める中国での事業拡大の動きが、これでさらに大きく前進する。この会社は、プラットフォームのパートナーを手に入れることにも意欲的で、これまでに、Baiduや、Kaixin001、Qihoo360、また更に先週にSina Weiboとパートナーシップを結んでいる。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Most of DeNA China’s partnerships (that we know of) have been focused on this kind of distribution. In other words, they help Mobage games, by third party developers or self-made by DeNA to reach out to more users. It will be interesting to watch and see what other developers jump on the Mobage China platform as its reach expands, making it a more attractive place to publish.

For more information on Coconut Island, they have been previously featured over on Tech Rice and on Pocket Gamer. We certainly hope to learn more about them as well, and look forward to seeing more of their titles.

For now, you can check out their Android title iDragPaper in the video below.



Coconut IslandはもともとTech Riceとポケットゲーマーをメインに売り出していたということも分かっている。我々は、この会社についてもっと知りたいし、彼らのタイトルがもっと出てくるのを楽しみにしている。


yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

It's not clear what brought about the premature demise of Nomura's masterpiece, Robby Space Patrol (1950's). Its rarity today is the stuff of legend--legend that includes the premise MGM legally enjoined Nomura from further Robby Sapce Patrol imports. Whatever happened, the fact is Moon Space Ship is the progeny of Robby Space Patrol, and it exists in far greater quantities, having been available from Sears in 1958 for $3.79. Switched on, the toy mystery actions about, while transverse piston assemblies oscillate within the clear-plastic illuminated dome. Incredible stamping quality, striking lighography, a stylish color scheme, and good action make this a highly desirable toy.


何がNomuraの傑作、Robby Space Patrol(1950年代)の早すぎる消滅をもたらしたのか、明らかではない。今はそれはレアなもので、伝説のものだ。この伝説には、MGMが合法的にさらにRobby Space Patrolを輸入するのをNomuraに禁じた根拠も含まれる。何が起こったのか分からないが、Moon Spce ShipがRobby Space Patrolの後代だという事実は明らかだ。それは、もっともっと多く出回っており、1958年にはSearsで3.79ドルで手に入ったという。スイッチを入れると、このおもちゃのミステリーは動き始め、横のピストンユニットが透明なプラスチックの光るドームの中で往復する。足踏みの品質は信じられないほど素晴らしく、リソグラフィは印象的で、色の技術はスタイリッシュ、アクションもよく、このおもちゃは、本当に魅力的だ。

yoggie English → Japanese
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NBA King of the Court, Brings Games to You through Augmented Reality

When I was in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress, I met Tatiana, Marketing Manager for Ogmento, an augmented reality (AR) mobile game development company at the Pocket Gamer After Party.

She showed me a cool new location based, augmented reality app they have released called “NBA: King of the Court”. In the real world, basketball players often turn up to local courts to play pick-up with random people. In a similar way, through this game, players can find virtual basketball courts around them and challenge other players to a shoot-out.


NBA King of the Court、拡張現実の世界へあなたをいざなうゲーム

Mobile World Congressでバルセロナにいたとき、Pocket Gamer After Partyの会場で、私は、拡張現実(AR)携帯ゲーム開発会社、OgmentoのマーケティングマネジャーTatianaに出会った。

彼女は、リリースされたばかりの素晴らしい、ロケーションベースの拡張現実アプリ、「NBA:King of the Court」を見せてくれた。実際の世界でも、バスケットボール選手は地域のコートにやってきて、ランダムに選んだ人々とプレイを楽しむことがよくある。これと同じように、このゲームは、選手が、バーチャルのバスケットコートにやってきて、他の選手とシュートアウトで勝負できるのだ。