yoggie Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

As you can see in the screenshot below, a lot of my connections are entrepreneurs. Clicking on the Entrepreneur (创始人) bar will allow me to find out what some of my entrepreneur friends have been weibo-ing about.

TaoU also allows you to find content based on interests, which could be anything from education to travel. Interestingly, it also has a bar that filters all the job opportunities people offer via Sina Weibo, making search easy for job seekers.

The application, in summary, really allows busy folks to get all the right weibo content on one page, minimizing the chance that you will miss any of it. So far, the app has attracted over 220,000 users and should attract more. You should give it a try too.



TaoUを使うと、関心のあることに関するコンテンツを見つけることができる。教育から旅行までどんな関心事でも大丈夫だ。面白いことに、Sina Weiboを使って求人情報を見ることができるバーもあり、仕事を探している人には便利だ。


yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

This shouldn’t be hard to understand. After all, while cyber crimes may or may not cost $1 trillion of damage a year, cash cows like Visa and Mastercard have been and will always be targets. Even Internet companies like Linkedin are not immune to breaches either. If big data is indeed the future, then there will only be more enticement for thieves, and along with them, more police on the beat.

On the other side of the fence, the far better known Facebook, a site that attracted so much wider attention and affect everyone’s daily lives, is getting slaughtered because it cannot produce any money for its investors.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

Technology firms can do much more in enterprise, as even farmers, one of the oldest traditions, may be in need of computer wares to help them manage their business. Groupon and its Chinese knock-offs are suffering the same fate.

The lesson, as always, is that helping other people make money is much more lucrative than helping people consume. That is not to say there is no money to be made in entertaining people, Apple has already disproved that notion. However, behind every Apple, there is always a graveyard littered with failures. In today’s world, people have so many choices that they can afford to be fickle with their money.




yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

We do have some free elements to our forum, but when you sign up for full membership you will gain access to our whole site, your membership is valid for a 1 year membership. You will gain access to our extensive list of Tutorials in the knowledge base. You will be able to join in with our social events in person and online. We have a baby of the month contest, bingo, secret sister and we have in 'in house' chat facility.
Our Members are always willing to help and share their own experiences, Art Dolls has a Real family atmosphere. Whether you are a complete novice and have only just discovered Reborns, or you have been reborning for years, but want some support and new idea's, this is the only place to be.


我々のフォーラムには無料の内容のものがいくつかありますが、フルメンバーシップに登録された場合、サイトすべてにアクセスできるようになります。メンバーシップの有効期限は1年です。我々の幅広い知識ベースのチュートリアルリストにもアクセスすることができます。また、実際に行われるもの、オンラインのもの両方のソーシャルイベントにも参加することができます。毎月のコンテストや、ビンゴ、シークレットシスターなどの計画もあり、インハウスのチャット機能も備えております。我々のメンバーは、常に、自分の経験について協力しあったり、共有しあったり、しています。Art Dollsは本当に家族的な雰囲気です。全くの初心者であっても、最近、再生を発見したばかりの方であっても、あるいは、何年も再生を続けている方でサポートや新しいアイデアが欲しい、という方にとっても、こここそが最適の場所です。

yoggie English → Japanese
Original Text

China’s Yelp-like Dianping Secures Over $60 Million in Funding

The Chinese Yelp-like site Dianping has once again hit the jackpot, pulling in, it has announced, “over $60 million” in series D funding. It’s less than the company’s third round of $100 million in April of last year, but it’s still a huge boost as the city directory site also has a growing daily deals business – and that’s a very fragmented market that relies on heavy ad spending.

The new Dianping funding news was tweeted out by the company on its own Weibo page (see it here). Dianping says it will use the new round to focus on its mobile business, as well as general biz development.



