yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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Real Name Checks on Weibo Won’t Come Cheap for Sina, Tencent

With it now certain that China’s popular Weibo (microblogging) services – prime among them being Sina’s (NASDAQ:SINA) and Tencent’s (HKG:0700) – will have to implement real-name ID checks in the coming months, it appears that the system will not come cheap. Indeed, each single online check of a user’s name and national ID number will cost a rumored 2 RMB (US$0.20). And so for Sina and Tencent, the government-mandated checks could end up costing them hundreds of millions of RMB for their 250 to 300 million Weibo users.



中国の人気サービスWeibo(マイクロブログサイト) - 中でも大手はSina(NASDAQ:SINA)そしてTencent(HKG:0700)のマイクロブログ - は、リアルネームIDの検査をこの数ヶ月の間に行わなければならないのだが、このシステム、どうやら安く上がるという訳ではなさそうだ。実際は、ユーザー1名のユーザーネームとナショナルID番号を調べる1つのオンライン検査には、2人民元(0.20米ドル)がかかるとされている。そしてこれにより、およそ2億5000万から3億人ものマイクロブログユーザーを抱えるSinaとTencentは、この政府が義務付けた検査により、数百、数億人民元もの出費となる模様だ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

If, say, 75 percent of Sina’s 250 million Weibo users turn out to be real people or companies – i.e. not spammers or zombie accounts – who wish to continue using the service, then all those checks would cost Sina a total of 375 million RMB (US$59 million).

Being Held Accountable For Your Tweets

The official line is that the real-ID clampdown will help stop false rumors (and maybe spam as well) spreading via the numerous Twitter-like services. But other analysts fear it’s a move to suppress free speech on these lively and increasingly popular sites.





yakuok English → Japanese
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(Note that microblog users can still use cutesy and wacky nicknames – but Sina, Tencent, Netease (NASDAQ:NTES), and all those other operators, will have every user’s actual name and number on file).

These charges have been levied before, and industry insiders believe that Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) had to pay up for its (failed and shuttered) microblog, Shuoba – but that the search engine giant ended up paying more than the rumored 2 RMB that it’ll cost in 2012. It’s not clear if the real-name requirement deterred users, or if Shuoba simply failed to take off because it arrived too late to be a contender.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The general application of the meme in the West has followed this pattern: “I used to [verb phrase], then I took an arrow in the knee,” and Chinese net users have generally approached it the same way. A cursory search of Sina Weibo for the phrase “took an arrow in the knee” shows the phase appearing in multiple posts per minute, applied in more or less the same way. Some Chinese example usages:

・ “I used to drink Mengniu Pure milk. Then I took an arrow in the knee.” [A reference to the recent revelation that Mengniu Pure milk contains one of the world's strongest carcinogens]


欧米でのこのミームの使用法はこのパターンを辿ってきた。「私は以前 "ここに動詞のフレーズを挿入"。だが私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」、そして中国のネットユーザーたちはほぼ同じアプローチをとったようだ。Sina Weiboの簡素サーチでこのフレーズ「膝に矢を受けてしまった」を検索してみると、毎分数件の投稿記事に掲載されていることを示し、同様の方法で使用されているようだ。中国でのいくつかの使用例は下記のとおり:

・「私はMengniuのピュアミルクを飲んでいた。だが私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」 - これは、先頃Mengniuのピュアミルクが世界で最も濃度が高い発癌性物質を含んでいたことが露見されたことを受けて。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

・“I used to think trains were the safest form of transportation. Then I took an arrow in the knee.” [A rather late reference to the July high speed rail accident]
・“Kim Jong Il is dead, I’ll never believe in love again, until I take an arrow in the knee.” [a mix of the Skyrim arrow meme with the Chinese meme "I'll never believe in love again."]
・“I used to think prize drawings were just floating clouds, then I took an arrow in the knee.” [A combination with China's "mystical horses are all floating clouds" meme]
・“I used to hold out hope for Chinese people’s sense of right and wrong, then I took an arrow to the knee.” [In response to Han Han's Christmas blog posts decrying revolution and democracy]


・「私は電車が最も安全な交通手段と思っていた。だが私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」 - これは、少し遅い例だが、7月に発生した超高速列車の事故を受けて。
・「Kim Jong Ilは死亡した。私は膝に矢を受けるまで、もう二度と愛など信じない。」 - これは、Skyrimの矢のミームと中国のミームである "私はもう二度と愛など信じない"を組み合わせたもの。
・「私はくじ引きなどただ単に浮遊する雲だと思っていた。だが私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」 - これは、中国の"神秘的な馬は全て浮遊する雲"のミームとの組み合わせ。
・「私は中国人の善悪の判断力に希望を託していた。だが私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」 - これは、Han Hanのクリスマスブログの投稿記事で、革命と民主主義を非難したもの。

yakuok English → Japanese
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・ “I used to do well on English tests, then I took an arrow in the knee.”
・“I used to try to improve myself each day, then I took an arrow in the knee.” [Combines the arrow meme with a popular school slogan about working to improve each day]

If you think this is weird, you’re probably not alone. It’s also further evidence that within a decade or two, internet users will all be speaking in a motley assortment of cross-cultural memes that’s completely incomprehensible to outsiders. So prepare yourselves now. We used to think that memes were too weird and specific to effectively jump across cultures, but then we took an arrow in the knee.


・「私は毎日自分を上達させようと努力していた。だが、私は膝に矢を受けてしまってね。」 - これは、矢のミームと、日々改善を目指し努力しようという人気のある学校のスローガンを組み合わせたもの。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Andy Zain, director of the Jakarta Founder Institute and founder of Mobile Monday Indonesia)

"With the shutdown of premium SMS businesses, the mobile industry may have further opportunities for accelerated growth. We hope to see carriers start looking into startups for creative mobile services and open the monetization option. At the same time the growth will be further fueled with more adoption of smarter devices, such as Android or MTK-based devices which are now maturing as mobile VAS platforms. Cheaper data rates and more educated users provide a huge consumer market base in Indonesia. For startups and new tech entrepreneurs this is an excellent opportunity."


Jakarta Founder InstituteおよびMobile Monday Indonesia創始者のAndy Zain氏


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

But if you want honest feedback then find meaner people who actually care about your startups. I care and that is why I replied to people who asked for my feedback. Though I have to apologize to the hundreds of other startups who I couldn’t include but simply didn’t have time to contact one at a time.

Of course, I’m just one person, so take it with a pinch of salt. In fact, every bit of feedback given by anyone has to be taken with a pinch of salt. At the end of the day, you are the entrepreneur. You know your product best. Take the feedback as it is or leave it as it is… And then get back to work.


