yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 158-2
(Asked by the American journalist Connie Chung if he regarded himself as a nerd, Gates replied: 'If nerd means you can enjoy understanding the insides of a computer and sit in front of it for hours and play with it and enjoy it.' What he didn't say, but could have, is that his nerdish hobbies made him the richest man in the world.)

How did Gates achieve so much in such a comparatively short space of time, and then against intense competition, maintain his company's dominance in its market over several decades? A careful analysis of the way Bill Gates ran Microsoft points to eleven secrets of his success. For those who want to follow in his footsteps, here they are.


ページ 158-2


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 158-1
Heading Up the Fortune magazine 2009 billionaires list for yet another year, Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet. The title of most valuable US Corporation in the world is a hotly contested one, the companies change frequently depending on the fortunes of different industry sectors, but there is no question that Gates presaged the beginning of a new technological age when the value of Microsoft surpassed that of GE in 1998. Spectacularly successful for over three decades, and despite his departure to help out at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates can justifiably lay claim to the title of the King of the Nerds.


ページ 158-1
またしてもFortuneマガジンの2009年度ビリオネアリストの首座についたビル・ゲイツは、この世で一番の金持ちとなる。世界で最も価値のある米国企業のこのタイトルをかけ接戦となったが、これらの企業位置は産業分野別の繁栄・財産によって頻繁に変動する。しかし、1998年にマイクロソフトの評価額がGEの評価額を超えた時、ゲイツがテクノロジー分野における新時代の始まりの前兆になったということは否めない。その後30年以上に渡り驚くべき成功をおさめ、Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の手助けをするためマイクロソフトから退出したことを受けてなお、ビル・ゲイツは正当に、オタク王というタイトルの権利を主張するのであった。

yakuok Japanese → English
Original Text






Even services with elaborated features have been introduced, and we have now entered the era whereby process of shopping is as important as the products themselves for the consumer to feel satisfied. The most important factor in the said process is a communication with the staff members.

The customers who have been made unpleasant by the staff members will never return to the shop. On top of that, they will pass around the complaints among people they know.

"The communications that affect customers' satisfactions" are the information which can be understood only by the customers who themselves experienced the services.

It is not too much to say that customers decide whether to return to the shop or to buy the product in the shop at that specific moment.

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 151-4
He hadn't been on the stage for long before surmising what his last day at work later that June would be like and then introducing a short film clip that envisaged that day. In the film Gates pokes fun at himself with the aid of various celebrities. Gates is seen struggling to master an exercise ball in the gym under the tutelage of actor Matthew McConaughey; interrupting U2's Bono, pre-gig, in an attempt to persuade him to displace U2 guitarist, The Edge, on the strength of Gates' Guitar Hero performance; demonstrating a Hollywood show reel suggesting a career in politics to Hillary Clinton; and bizarrely rapping 'Big pimpin' I'm Bill G! Big pimpin' yeah you know me', to Jay-Z in a music studio.


ページ 151-4
彼は、その後6月の彼の最後となる日がどのような日になるのか推測し、その日を心に描いた短編映画を紹介するまで、ステージ上に長くいることはなかった。この短編映画上でゲイツは、多くのセレブ達を用いて彼自身を茶化している。ゲイツは、フィットネス・ジムでマシュー・マコノヒーの指導の下エクササイズ・ボールを使った運動に励んでいるのだ梃子摺っていたり、ギグを控えるU2のボノに、U2のギタリストThe Edgeをゲイツのギターヒーローの演奏をもって立ち退かせようとしたり、ハリウッドショーの1巻でゲイツはヒラリークリントンに政界でのキャリアをすすめてみたり、そして驚くべきことに、"Big pimpin、I'm Bill G! Big pimpin' yeah you know me"(楽しもうぜ、俺はビル・ジー!楽しもうぜ、イェー、俺のこと知ってんだろ)と、ミュージックスタジオでJay-Zにラップを披露したりしているのだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 150-1
Lined up alongside Ballmer was Ray Ozzie, who adopted the chief software architect role putting him in charge of technical strategy and product development. No slouch in the software smarts department, Ozzie created the Lotus Notes software, arriving at Microsoft courtesy of one of the company's famous IQ plus promising software raids, when it acquired Ozzie's firm Groove Networks in 2005. Ozzie was working in collaborative software at Groove Networks - it became Microsoft Office Groove. It is worth noting that Gates chose a person interested in mechanisms for collaboration, in an Internet age dominated by so-called social media.


ページ 150-1
バルマーとレイ・オジーという顔ぶれで、オジーはソフトウェア構築のチーフとしての役割を任されており、技術的な戦略と商品開発の担当であった。優良な人材が集まるソフトウェアの部署で、オジーはLotus Notesソフトウェアを作り上げ、マイクロソフトがオジーの企業であったGroove Networksを2005年に買収した時、オジーは、当企業の著名なIQ人として、そしてソフトウェア構築部署において最も見込みのあるとされる引き抜き雇用人材としてマイクロソフトで名を成した。オジーはGroove Networksにてグループウェアの開発に携わっていたが、それは後にマイクロソフトオフィスグルーブとして知られることになった。ゲイツがグループウェアに係るメカニズムに長ける人材を選択したことは、いわゆるソーシャルメディアに侵略されているインターネット時代には何の価値もない。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

If it fits your needs, all the better; if not you can toss it out. Since you are anxious to get these to Japan, we are packing your items now and they will ship USPS priority mail tomorrow. I know the description said parcel post, but for all the inconvenience with the salad plate, I will be happy to pay the difference and get these to you sooner. Hopefully, you will have them no later than Monday, the 30th. Once I get them shipped and have the tracking number I will post it on ebay and send you a message with it. All your items are being shipped in 1 box.
Thank-you again,
I too look forward to future business and hope this unfortunate situation with the salad plate will not keep you away.

- ikoolem2



- ikoolem2

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I don’t recall many opportunities in Singapore that focus on helping entrepreneurs to meet investors on personal level. So we thought it would be fun to set up a meetup session for entrepreneurs in Asia to meet up with investors also here in Asia. Our core team will also be down at Singapore to mingle with our readers and Startup Asia participants.

That founders and investors meetup will be held on February 4, 2012, after our Startup Asia Singapore conference. We just set it up barely just 24 hours ago for our overseas guests and have received over a hundred sign-ups so far. You can find out more information about the event over on the sign up page here. Only entrepreneurs and investors should sign up for this




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

With your assistance, we would like to verify some potentially suspicious activity on your
account ending in 6483 that we have detected while reviewing your order. We want to ensure
that all charges have been authorized by you. In order to avoid any inconvenience it is
very important that we speak with you. Please call us at 1-800-835-4386 between 8:00 a.m. -
10:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday and 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. EST Saturday and Sunday (from
within the US or Canada) .
You can also call the bank phone number on the back of your credit card and ask to be
transferred to the Fraud Department, as soon as possible.
Please note that your order is currently on hold pending your response.


お客様のご注文内容を確認中、お客様の下桁6483のアカウント上にて、不正のアクティビティとされる動きがありましたため、お客様と本内容について確認をさせて頂きたく存じます。全ての支払いがお客様により承認されたものとの確認を行わせて頂きたいのですが、大きな問題となることを避けるためにも、お客様と直接お話させて頂くことが必要となります。月~金 午前8時~午後10時、もしくは土・日 午前10時~午後6時(米国・カナダ現地時刻)に、1-800-835-4386までご連絡頂けますでしょうか?

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 142-1
Unlike his hero, however, Gates is rooted in the here and now, whether solving Microsoft software problems, or tackling global hunger. One of his greatest attributes is his ability to combine technological innovation with a hard-nosed pragmatism. He also recognizes his own limitations - an unusual trait in such an accomplished individual.

'You have to be careful, if you're good at something, to make sure you don't think you're good at other things that you aren't necessarily so good at', he has noted. 'I come in every day and work with a great team of people who are trying to figure out how to make great software, listening to the feedback and doing the research.


ページ 142-1


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

For obvious reasons, right up until his departure from Microsoft on a full-time basis, and possibly even beyond, Gates generates a certain amount of awe among those who regard him as the predictor and architect of the digital age. To be fair, some, if not all, of his reputation as a visionary is deserved. History may judge him more kindly than his many detractors and rivals who argued that he was simply exploiting his monopoly position. Without Gates and Microsoft, it is unlikely whether the PC revolution would be as advanced as it is. Yet Gates was much too smart to rest on his laurels. More than any other figure in his industry he understood just what a treacherous road he was driving along.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 139-3
Gates was set to stick around for some time. He was still there in 2007 launching the Vista OS, his last big OS launch. But he was already mentally preparing himself and the shareholders for the next step. The transfer of power from one leader to the next can have a major impact, not just on morale and business performance but on the company's share price. The concern was that without Gates Microsoft would lose its mojo. Gates' response was this: 'The whole notion in the press of personifying a company through one person or a few people is a gross simplification, and it totally misstates the picture.'


ページ 139-3
ゲイツはしばらくの間その場に留まる予定でいた。彼は2007年まだ在籍しており、Vista OSをリリースし、それは彼の最後のOSリリースとなった。しかし既に、彼は次のステップに向けて、自分自身と株主達を精神的な準備を行うよう促していた。一人の主導者から次の主導者へと支配力を移行する際、大きな影響を与え得る可能性が大きい。これは士気、事業成果の次元にだけにおさまらず、企業の株価にも影響を与える。危惧されていたのは、ゲイツなしのマイクロソフトは勢力を失うであろうということであった。それに対するゲイツの返答は、「いち企業を1名もしくはたった数名の人々を通して具体化してしまうメディアの先入観は適当に単純化したものに過ぎず、それは本来の状況を述べ誤っている」、といったものであった。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Gates managed to ingrain the urge to pare down the business into manageable and innovatively sized units into the very ethos of the business. By 2002, Gates was no longer (EO, yet in 2002 Microsoft reorganized into seven financially distinct core business groups. Then not long afterwards in 2005 the company once again reorganized, this time reducing its seven groups to just three divisions:

•Microsoft Platform Products and Services Division - the Windows Client, MSN and Server and Tool groups;

•the Microsoft Business Division -Information Worker and Micro-soft Business Solutions groups; and

•Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division - the Mobile and Embedded Devices and Home and Entertainment groups.



・マイクロソフトプラットフォームプロダクツ・サービス部署 - ウィンドウズクライアント、MSN、そしてサーバー&ツールグループ

・マイクロソフトビジネス部署 - インフォメーションワーカー&マイクロソフトビジネスソリューショングループ

・マイクロソフトエンターテイメント・デバイス部署 - モバイル&エンベッドデバイス、そしてホーム&エンターテインメントグループ