yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, the clip should be very tight against the cap but will wiggle side to side some if you try to wiggle it. It because it's hinged right at the top. Yes, the case is correct. Sometimes Delta does things that I think are stupid like the fact the pens don't clip into the case right. I'm sure it's because this is a standard case for them and they just change the label under the top platic for different pens. The Imperiale ended up not fitting well but they didn't want to design a whole new case. I have told them about the issue so at least they know that customers don't like it. Let me know if that clip is problem.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE xi-2
Fast forward seven years and for Gates life is a lot less uncertain. Announcing his intention in 2006 to step down from his full-time position at Microsoft, over the following two years Gates implemented his transition plan from chief software architect to part-time employee, leaving in June 2008. The transition appeared flawless, with Gates putting in place a team of Microsoft stalwarts to cover the various elements of the multifaceted role that used to reside with one person. Gates even managed to compile a humorous, star-studded spoof video of what his last day at the office might look like. In his last few keynote speeches as a full-time employee and his farewell speech on his last day at work,


ページ xi-2

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE ix-1
Perhaps the biggest issue at the time for Gates was the protracted antitrust battle fought in the US. Much of his time and energy was channeled into fighting the antitrust suit brought against Microsoft, which alleged that the company used a dominant market position to restrict competition. A central allegation related to Microsoft's 'bundling' of its web browser Internet Explorer with its Windows operating system. Manufacturers were therefore obliged to pre-install the Microsoft browser on their machines. There were also accusations relating to Windows' compatibility with competing products like Netscape's Navigator web browser.


ページ ix-1

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE vii-1

I'd like to think this is a fair analysis of why Bill Gates has been so successful over so many years. In the end, though, whether you see him as the Antichrist of the IT revolution or its Messiah or, to a new generation, Bill Gates the philanthropist, battling against global hunger and disease, it is impossible to escape the conclusion that he is a remarkable individual.

For three decades he dominated the computer industry. More than just a computer whiz-kid, Gates also provided a model for business leadership in the 21st century. For this, he deserves acknowledgement. Now he is setting out to create a new chapter in his life,


ページ vii-1



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 161-2
10 Never, ever, take your eye off the ball
Gates was at the top of his profession for more than three decades. In that time he has become the richest man in the world. Yet, despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates continued to work very long hours at Microsoft.

And finally ... know when it's time to move on.
Great CEOs know when it is time to move on to new challenges. The way Gates managed his exit from Microsoft should be a lesson to all leaders. Gates transitioned out of his full time role at Microsoft gradually and graciously: shifting seamlessly to the fresh philanthropic challenge of helping to run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


ページ 161-2

偉大な最高経営責任者は、新たなチャレンジに向けて前進すべき時を知っている。ゲイツがどのようにしてマイクロソフトを去ったのかということは、多くのリーダーたちにとって学ぶべきことであろう。ゲイツは、マイクロソフトでのフルタイムの業務からの退出へ向けて徐々にそして優雅に切り替えていった。彼にとっては全く新鮮な慈善事業となったBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の運営を手助けするという仕事へと隙を見せることなく移行していったのだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 160-2
7 Assume the visionary position
Bill Gates was one of the first of a new type of business leader. Over the years, he repeatedly demonstrated that he was the closest thing the computer industry had to a seer. His in-depth understanding of technology and unique way of synthesizing data gave him a special ability to spot future trends and steer Microsoft's strategy. This also inspired awe among Microsoft fans and intimidated competitors.

8 Cover all the bases
A key element of Microsoft's success is its ability to manage a large number of projects simultaneously. Gates himself is the original multitasking man, and is said to be able to hold several different technical conversations simultaneously.


ページ 160-2


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 160-1
5 Learn to survive
In Microsoft, Bill Gates created a voracious learning machine. It was, he believed, the sign of a 'smart organization', and the only way to avoid making the same mistake twice. His competitors were not so careful. By capitalizing on the mistakes of others, Microsoft prospered.

6 Don't expect any thanks
If there is one lesson that Bill Gates learnt the hard way it is that fame and infamy are never far apart. You can't expect to become the richest man in the world without making some enemies - and in the computer industry, Gates had more than his share.


ページ 160-1


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 159-3
3 Take no prisoners
Gates was a fierce competitor. In everything he does, he has been driven to win. This made him an extremely tough adversary. He made no bones about this and talked openly about crushing the competition.

4 Hire very smart people
Gates has consistently sought out and hired the smartest individuals both at Microsoft, and at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This deliberate strategy has ensured that Microsoft attracts the highest calibre staff in its industry. Some people accused Gates of being elitist, but he was one of the first entrepreneurs to truly understand what intellectual capital is all about.


ページ 159-3

ゲイツは首尾一貫して、マイクロソフトとBill & Melinda Gates Foundation(ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団)の両所で、賢明な人材を探し出し、そして雇用してきた。この計画的戦略は、市場内で最も優秀な人材をマイクロソフトが誘引することを確実にした。幾人かはゲイツをエリート主義者と非難したが、彼は知的財産というものが何かを真に初めて理解した実業家の一人であった。