yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

“No matter where you work, there’s no escaping the fact that sometimes unplanned tasks will get in the way of your to-do list,” says Chan Ngee Key, Career Coach & Strategist at YourOwn360. Chan also goes on to talk about increasing one’s efficiency using tools that are available, such as Linkedin.

Globally, the study also showed that professionals in the legal industry have the lowest completion rate on their daily plans with 66 percent of respondents accomplishing most or all tasks. Conversely, professionals in the consumer and service industries were among the most productive, with 79 percent and 77 percent respectively stating that they regularly fulfill most or all of their planned task.


「どこで働くにしても、自分のタスク一覧に組み込まれていない計画外の業務が時折割り込んでくるということは避けられない事実である。」、とYourOwn360のキャリアコーチ兼ストラテジストであるChan Ngee Key氏は述べている。Chan氏はまた、LinkedInなどのツールを活用することで個々の能率を上げることができると加えて述べている。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Want to save time in your workday and cross more tasks off the list? Try these methods for a change.

1. Make meetings more efficient

Check out meeting participants’ LinkedIn Profiles ahead of time to get a sense for what they bring to the table. Past experience and specific skills of your meeting cohorts could come in handy to creatively solve a problem — thereby keeping your meeting time to a minimum.

2. Crowd source your challenge

Use LinkedIn Answers and LinkedIn Groups to tap into the wisdom of your LinkedIn network or the rest of the 161 million LinkedIn members. By posing questions and starting discussions you’ll be able to assemble solutions in record time.




ミーティングの参加者のLinkedIn Profilesを事前に確認し、彼らがミーティングで何を持ち出すのかを予測してみよう。ミーティング参加者の過去の経験や特殊技能は、創造的に問題を解決していく上で役立つかもしれない。よって、ミーティングに費やされる時間は短縮される。


LinkedIn AnswersとLinkedIn Groupsを使って、自分のLInkedInネットワークや1億6100万人ものLinkedInメンバーの知恵を活用しよう。質問を投稿し、討論を始めることで、自分の問題を記録的な早さで解決することができるだろう。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

4 Startups Revolutionizing Social Commerce

Michoel is Director of Platform and Product Strategy at Big Fuel, a social media agency. He is also an adviser at Social iQ Networks and VideoGenie and a frequent speaker at social media technology conferences and events. You can follow him @Twabbi.

In 2010 Mark Zuckerberg said, “If I had to guess, social commerce is next to blow up.” He was right. Social media has changed the way we shop online, and the statistics confirm it. About 81% of consumers receive advice from friends and family relating to a product purchase through a social networking site. And the majority — about 74 % — of consumers rely on social networks to guide their purchases.



Michoelは、ソーシャルメディアエージェンシーBig FuelのPlatform and Product Strategy部門取締役である。彼はSocial iQ NetworksとVideoGenieの顧問役でもあり、ソーシャルメディアテクノロジーコンフェレンスなどのイベントでも演説者として活躍している。彼のフォローは@Twabbiから。

2010年、Mark Zuckerbergは、「しいてあげるとすれば、次に大旋風を巻き起こすのはソーシャルコマースであろう」、と語っている。彼は正しかったのだ。ソーシャルメディアは我々のオンラインショッピングの有り方を変え、統計数値がそれを示している。消費者のうち81%は、ソーシャルネットワーキングサイトを通じて友人や家族より商品購入におけるアドバイスを得ている。そして、ほとんどの消費者 - およそ74% - が、商品購入の際の道しるべとしてソーシャルネットワークを利用している。

yakuok English → Japanese
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But the shift from e-commerce to s-commerce has only just begun. Revenues for the social commerce market are expected to reach $30 billion by 2015. This is due to multiple factors, including consumers spending more time on social networks, brands targeting consumers in the news feed (as opposed to fan pages) and advances in technology, such as mobile geo-location shopping apps and enterprise marketing tools.

But who’s vying for this space and what are they doing right? Here are four startups that are making e-commerce social in revolutionary ways.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

How it Works: 8thBridge, head-quartered in Minneapolis, makes it possible for customers to shop where they socialize. Social Expressions, one of the company’s social apps, turns shoppers into advocates by making it easy for them to more specifically express how they feel about products and offers. For example, instead of ‘liking’ a product, consumers can now ‘want’, ‘love’ or ‘own’ the item of interest.

When people share a brand’s products with their friends, Graphite converts them into “Shoppable Stories.” The product appears in a friend’s ticker and timeline like a video does, with a thumbnail image and a play button.


計画内容:ミネアポリスを拠点とする8thBridgeは、顧客の社交の場での買い物を実現した。当企業のソーシャルアプリの一つ、Social Expressionsは、買い物客がより具体的に商品とオファーなどについての感想をより簡単に述べられるように、単なる買い物客から支持者へと変換する。例えば、商品を「いいね」とする代わりに、消費者は、自分が希望する商品に対して、「欲しい」、「素敵」、「入手済み」などの表示ができるのである。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The platform embodies social, local, and mobile. Social by checking-in and broadcasting one’s location, local by helping a national brand marketer reach someone on a local level, and mobile by converting people on their mobile device.

What makes LocalResponse unique is their declarative data set. Targeting data, such as, behavioral, demographic or contextual is usually approximated. LocalResponse’s platform is able to identify where someone is, when they are there, and what they are saying about it. Marketers act on the consumer’s real-time intent by converting people with exclusive offers or coupons via mobile at point-of-sale. Here’s a diagram that outlines this process.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

I dont have a contract or terms for the exclusive distribution for you, but If you have some contract similar with others of your partners we could be revise it.
I know that you will work in develop our brand in Japan and you will need support for us and not sell to any more in Japan. We are accord in that.
I would like to know how do you sell our holds rigth now? For set, for hold, for weigth....

What do you work better for you rigth now?

About the shipping we have a contract with a mexican company called Estafeta and they work with UPS for all the international shipments, I dont know if you can get betters prices with another company, tomorrow I will send you our prices for each kgs to Japan.





* 原文英語に多々言葉の漏れ・誤りなどがございますため、あくまでも推測にての訳になります。ご了承ください。