yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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But now, how does a company objectively assess how much is business use and therefore how much should be reimbursed or paid for? Based on its research, Forrester found that Information Workers managed to convince their companies to pay for computer software, desktops and laptops, computer peripherals, smartphones, online services or website subscriptions, tablets, mobile apps, internet access and home phone and internet access. But since many are using such technology for personal use, 63% pay for their own smartphone and 51% for their own netbooks and tablets.



yakuok English → Japanese
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Forrester reports that “Most CIOs are still fairly uninvolved with BYOT policies, with only 48% acting as the final decision-maker for IT priorities and only 46% holding decision-making power over IT purchases.” However the trend is virtually unstoppable and CIOs should instead prepare themselves to make new decisions, such as establishing flexible BYOT policies in the next 18 months. Moreover to combat the two key challenges stated above, CIOs must address information storage/security by moving to the cloud as well as build skills to support an expanding device and app menagerie.



yakuok English → Japanese
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As reported by Asia Media Journal, the highlighted finding is the fact that smartphone managed to win over feature phone in some Asian countries. At least in Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the percentage of smarphone users reached more than 50%. China as the biggest potential market in the world comes next with smartphone user reach of 42%. Indonesia is still a bit behind with only 19% of smartphone user compared to feature phone user that reach 81%. More data shows that 22% of cell phone user in Indonesia uses it to access the internet in the last month.


Asia Media journalにより報告されたように、この調査結果の要は、アジアの数カ国においてスマートフォンがフィーチャーフォンを凌いだという事実である。少なくとも、シンガポール、韓国、香港、そして台湾では、スマートフォンユーザーの割合は50%以上になっている。次に来るのが、世界最大の潜在市場である中国で、スマートフォンユーザー数の割合は42%となっている。インドネシアでは多少の遅れがあり、スマートフォンユーザーはわずか19%で、一方フィーチャーフォンユーザーは81%となっている。また、他のデータからも、インドネシアの携帯電話ユーザーのうち22%が、先月、インターネットにアクセスするために携帯電話を利用していることも明らかになっている。

yakuok English → Japanese
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Hubblr Launches Out of Beta, Ready to Handle Your Social Marketing to China

Last winter we looked at Hubblr, a dashboard for global social marketing that includes support for China’s Sina Weibo as well as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Back then it was in private beta. But now the startup’s founder, Michael Lam, informs us that it’s launching officially this week with lots of refinements and also brings support for brands to engage consumers on Renren, the Facebook-esque social network. Now that it’s fully open, Michael says that the Australian startup’s “target market is brands or organizations who engage with their customers in both Western and Chinese social networks.”



昨年冬、我々は、中国のSina Weibo、Twitter、Facebook、そしてLinkedInなどのグローバルソーシャルマーケティングのダッシュボードであるHubblrについての記事を取り上げた。当時、Hubblrはまだプライベートベータ版であった。だが、当スタートアップ企業の創始者であるMichael Lamは、当企業が公式にサービス開始することを我々に教えてくれた。このリリースには多くの改善点や、Facebookに似たソーシャルネットワークRenren上でブランド企業が消費者とつながっていけるようなサポートも

yakuok English → Japanese
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The main web app at Hubblr.com is where all the posting and analytics (pictured below) action happens, and the slick service is reminiscent of HootSuite – except that Hubblr includes China’s two hottest social media that have the kind of moneyed, blue collar workers that brands chase after. The startup has given us some stats from its beta testing period: over 200 organizations signed-up to make use of it; those beta users were managing over 2,200 social profiles with an average of 11 social profiles per organization that participated; and, users came from 15 countries, including China itself, Hong Kong, the U.S., Canada, Vietnam, and beyond.



yakuok English → Japanese
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Jiepang which just celebrated its two-year anniversary has long explored in the realm of O2O with creative thinking and initiatives like virtual loyalty card and a system to help local merchant gain more customer insights. The company is also an early-adopter of new technologies like NFC. It teamed up with Nokia to promote NFC last year, where users can check in by scanning NFC stickers in local merchant’s window with Nokia’s NFC enabled phone. It makes check-in easier and more fun, one doesn’t have to open the app and then search for the location, it’s all done at just one touch.

