yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Besides their happiness levels, users can post citizen news reports with the “I Report” button; make recommendations of books, movies, music, and more with the “I Recommend” feature; and put stuff for sale with the “Selling” button. They can also call for help (whatever the problem may be) with the “Help Me!” icon, and an aspiring Clark Kent in the locality can make himself or herself available by hitting “I Help” within the app. Plus, users must submit their blood types upon registration because there is a function of the app that allows a user to put out a call for blood donations in the event of an emergency.


幸せ度以外にも、ユーザーは、「I Report」ボタンを利用することで、市民ニュース報告を投稿することができる。そして、「I Recommen」機能を利用することで、書籍、映画、音楽、そしてその他いろいろなことをおすすめすることができる。そして、「Selling」ボタンを利用して、物を販売することもできる。また、「Help Me!」アイコンを利用することで、(どんな問題であれ)助けを求めることもできる。そしてアプリ内の「I Help」を押すことで、Clark Kentに続けとばかりに活躍する現地に詳しい男性キャラクター・女性キャラクターが出現する。これらに加えて、ユーザーは登録時に血液型を通知する必要があるのだが、この登録を行うことで、緊急を要する際に便利なアプリの機能の一つ、献血依頼コールを行うことができる。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The app is completely integrated with Facebook – better than nearly any app around, say founders Natee Jarayabhand and Khanit Aramkitpota. You must sign in with Facebook, so all your friends in the social network become your friends on the app, and when, for example, someone likes your happiness update through Freehap, that “like” will show up on a Facebook post.

Natee and Khanit hatched the idea while they were doing unfulfilling office jobs after university and read a study about low happiness levels in developed countries. “We wanted to try to make a platform for people to live a happier life. There’s no other app with the mission of making the world happier,” Natee claims.


このアプリはFacebookと完全統合されており、現在利用できる多くのアプリより数段便利なアプリだ、と創始者であるNatee JarayabhandとKhanit Aramkitpotaは述べている。Facebook上でサインインすることで、当ソーシャルネットワーク上の自分の友達にもこのアプリ上で友達になってもらうことができる。そして、例えば誰かがFreehapを通じて自分の幸せ度に対して「いいね」と反応してくれたら、その「いいね」は、Facebook上に投稿され反映される。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

So they came back to Thailand, raised some money from their friends and family, and put a team together to fully develop Freehap. The app finally went live – on Google Play for Android, and in iTunes for iPhone – last week and is currently only available in Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong. They plan on testing and tweaking the product with user feedback from these markets before trying to launch it globally. They’re also looking for new funding. In future versions they’d like to launch a real-time map of people’s happiness status updates, amongst other improvements.


彼らはタイに戻り、友人や家族からいくらかの資金を得て、共にチームを築き上げ、Freehapを完全に立ち上げた。そして彼らのアプリは、Android向けのGoogle Playアプリ、そしてiPhone向けのiTunesアプリとして先週ついにリリースされたが、現在はタイ、シンガポール、香港でのみ利用が可能となっている。彼らは、世界に向けてのリリースを開始する前に、試験を行い、上記市場における当製品に関するユーザーからのフィードバックにそって細かな調整を行いたいとしている。彼らはまた、新たな資金調達も計画している。彼らは、新しいバージョンでは、様々な改善点を始めとし、人々の幸せ度アップデートを示すリアルタイム・マップなどを提供したいと考えている。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Indonesia Mobile Ad Market Doubles in a Year, Android Growing Fastest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here is an interesting infographic from InMobi about the Indonesian mobile landscape, comparing the current scene up to May 2012 compared with the same point in 2011. The report reveals that the Indonesia mobile ad market grew by a whopping 99 percent, with InMobi serving close to 27 billion ad impressions up to last month.

This is great news for all phone app startups out there, as Indonesia has an impressive developing market for both smartphones and feature-phones. Smartphone impressions grew by a remarkable 123 percent, showing a faster rate of growth than the feature-phone market at 93 percent.


インドネシアのモバイル広告市場は1年で2倍の成長、中でも一番速いペースで成長を遂げたのはAndroid [インフォグラフィック]



yakuok English → Japanese
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In terms of Indonesia’s OS market share, Nokia OSes (33.4 percent) and Symbian (22.5 percent) stay as the top platforms in Indonesia, though they are slowly losing their share to Android. Android has the strongest growth in the last one year with a strong gain of 8.3 percent share in terms of ad impressions, now reaching close to 10 percent market share while both Nokia OS and Symbian OS are slowly losing their shares by -1.0 percent and -5.3 percent respectively.

In terms of the top devices based on their ad impressions share, Nokia still dominates Indonesia with 56 percent. The five most popular devices all come from Nokia as well, led by the X2-01 with 4.6 percent.


インドネシアにおけるOS市場のシェアということでは、Androidが徐々にその地位を奪いつつあるものの、Nokia OS(33.4%)とSymbian(22.5%)がインドネシアでは依然として最も利用されているプラットフォームとなっている。Androidは、過去1年で、広告インプレッション面で8.3%という驚異的な成長を遂げており、現在、市場において10%のシェアを獲得するまでになっている。Nokia OSとSymbian OSは、徐々にそれぞれ1.0%と5.3%ずつそのシェアを失っている。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

When Blackberry was in its prime, many corporate companies issued a Blackberry mobile phone to employees. Everyone wanted one, as it symbolized status, especially the Blackberry Bold. But then the iPhone came along and it truly disrupted how corporate people communicate. It no longer segregated business and personal communication, but instead blurred the line and effectively made it into one in the same thing. In this generation, this is how people want to communicate and do business. That is why employees are increasingly prepared to bring their own devices and software to work to optimize their work flow.


Blackberryが頂点に立っていた頃、多くのビジネス企業は、Blackberryの携帯電話を従業員に配布した。Blackberry、特にBlackberry Boldは、ステータスの証で、誰もが皆Blackberryの携帯電話を欲しがっていた。だがその後、iPhoneが登場したことで、ビジネスマンらのそれまでのコミュニケーションの有り方が完全に乱れてしまった。ビジネスと個人的なやりとりが分け隔てられることはなくなり、その代わりに、それら二つの間にある境界線は不明瞭なものとなり、効果的に同等の扱いへと改変されていった。これが理由で、多くの従業員が自分の機器やソフトウェアを職場に持ち込み、作業の流れを最適化するようになったのだ。

yakuok English → Japanese
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Based on a study of 9,912 information workers across 17 countries in Q4 2011, Forrester found that 53% of workforce employees bring their own technology for work purposes, up 5% from Q1 2011 and a reported 61% use their devices for both work and personal use. Technology encompasses personal devices such as tablets or smartphones, websites or internet based services. On the device front, just looking around offices or coffee shops, it’s clear to see workers using smartphones and tablets to present and consume information.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

On the internet based service side, the proliferation of cloud based services such as Dropbox for cloud storage or Evernote for document management make it easy to work from anywhere and anytime.

So if workers are using their own personal technology for work, does that mean it’s also a company expense? Forrester identified that “Increasingly, employees are making their own technology purchases for a blend of personal and work use and pushing their firms to purchase new technology to help in their jobs.” This trend in itself creates challenges for companies to account and reimburse for technology related costs. Before people used personal technology for work, it was clear what was and wasn’t a business expense.


