yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
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In James’ opinion, the people who win are the ones who synthesize well. Age undoubtedly earns one a level of benefit, since with more experiences come more mistakes to learn from. But he also highlights that the younger you are, the more you will question until you reach a high level of maturity and understanding. To him, age discrimination is just another form of bias.

But I also do agree Darius’ comment where he said, “Maybe you really do suck – that’s why you get discriminated against.” If not, just suck it up and prove your worth. What is most important is that entrepreneurs should not underpromise and oversell.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Thai e-publishing platform Ookbee inks partnership with Indonesian SCOOP

Ookbee signs a strategic partnership with Indonesian e-publishing platform, SCOOP, bringing their combined titles to 600 with a reach of over four million devices.

Thailand’s ebook store leader, Ookbee, has signed a strategic partnership with Indonesian counterpart, SCOOP, today in Singapore. The two platforms, started in 2012, will rely on this partnership to accelerate their growth through knowledge sharing, securing deals from bigger publishers, as well as cross-marketing their respective products.





yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The partnership will see Ookbee and SCOOP’s combine collection totalling 600 regional magazine titles and daily newspapers. Both platforms have a current reach of over four million devices and deliver over six million digital publications each year.

In the press release, Ookbee’s CEO Natavudh Pungcharoenpong mentioned, ” Partnering together will make Ookbee/SCOOP the biggest newsstand and ebook store platform in the Southeast Asian region. I believe this will create a synergy in so many ways in order to fulfil our visions of offering the best services for our users.”



Ookbeeの最高経営責任者であるNatavudh Pungcharoenpongは、プレスリリースでこのように述べている。「パートナーシップ提携によって、OokbeeとSCOOPは、東南アジア地区で最大のニュースペーパー・電子書籍プラットフォームになりました。この提携によって、ユーザーにベストサービスを提供するという私共のビジョンを実現する相乗作用が、様々な面で生み出されるでしょう。」

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Feature phones not dead

Blaast CEO and Co-Founder Joonas Hjelt keynoted at the event, and he highlighted how the Finnish company ventured into Indonesia’s feature phone market, which he says has an almost 80% penetration rate. The huge potential is unfortunately untapped by local players.

To date, Blaast supports more than 2,000 devices, and claim they work better than their rival smartphone platforms by providing data optimization, so that wireless data is reduced to only 10% of of its original size. Unsurprisingly, their target market is mostly young urban people, 13-29 years old, tech savvy, hyper social, and price-sensitive both on data plans and the device itself.



BlaastのCEO兼共同創始者のJoonas Hjeltは、当イベントで、このフィンランドの企業がなぜインドネシアのほぼ80%の浸透率を誇るフィーチャーフォン市場に参入したのかを述べ、強く強調した。残念ながら、この大きな可能性は、いまだ現地の企業は見出してはいない。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Social commerce

Blibli’s marketing guru Ivan Hudyana shared tips on how to be a successful e-commerce company. He unveiled some figures on Google searches for online shopping: 2.4 million hits per day. Indonesia’s market fo online shopping activities is sustainable at 4 to 7% per year.

He also highlighted the use of social media for e-commerce, which is an effective way to reach the biggest age group in Indonesia: the 15 to 19 year old demographic, who are very social individuals. Blibli Friends, a program empowers members to do product reviews, was launched to address this need.



Blibliのマーケティングの達人であるIvan Hupdyanaは、Eコマース企業として成功するためのいくつかのコツを皆に伝えた。彼は、オンラインショッピングにおけるGoogleサーチ上の数字をいくつか取り上げた。毎日240万回ものヒット数を誇るという。

このニーズをサポートするべく、ユーザーが商品のレビューを行うことができるプログラムのBlibli Friendsはサービスを開始した。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Lib Tech snowboards are by far the world's best and most environmental snowboards on the market. With new technology such as Magne Traction and Banana Technology, Lib Tech has redefined how skis and snowboards are made. "Manufactured near Canada", these boards and accessories are used by recreational and professional boarders alike, with many of their products handcrafted for the ultimate board experience. In addition to snowboards, they also offer skateboards and N.A.S. skis (Narrow Ass Snowboards). So if you enjoy hitting the snow in style, or doing a hang ten, then this is the company to buy from. Accessories offered by Lib Tech include everything from outerwear and goggles, to clothing and luggage.


リブ・テック(Lib Tech)のスノーボードは、市場に出ているスノーボードのどれよりも遥かに上質で最も環境に優しいスノーボードです。Magne TractionやBanana Technologyなどといったテクノロジーをもって、リブ・テック(Lib Tech)は、スキーとスノーボードの製法を新たにしました。"カナダ周辺で製造された"これらのボードとアクセサリーは、レジャー用として、またプロのボーダーにも利用されており、最高のボーディング体験を約束するため、利用されている製品の多くは手作りです。さらに、スノーボードの他にも、スケートボードやN.A.S. skis(ナローアススケートボード)を取り揃えています。スタイリッシュに雪山に挑みたい、ハング・テンの技を試したい、というあなたには、この企業でのショッピングをおすすめします。リブ・テック(Lib Tech)のアクセサリー類は、アウターウェアやゴーグル、衣類からバッグに至るまで、様々な製品が取り揃えられています。