yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

In Quora’s case, the founders were not the first to build an internet answers site (Ask Jeeves in 1996, Yahoo Answers in 2005), but instead were able to draw from their experience working at Facebook to apply a Facebook-style user interface to the well-trodden Q&A format.

Perhaps the key lesson from the Valley’s rise and continued prominence as a global epicenter of creative output is that innovation does not occur in a vacuum; rather it’s the result of generations of product iterations and failures that are eventually reorganized and recycled into the framework for a successful new product or company.


Quaraを例にとると、インターネットQ&Aサイトを最初に開設したのはQuaraの創始者らではなく(1996年にAsk Jeeves、2005年にYahoo Answersが開設されている)、彼らはFacebookで勤務していた頃の経験を応用し、Facebookのようなユーザーインターフェイスを基盤が整ったQ&A形式に取り込んだ。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Shockley’s “Traitorous Eight” were the Valley’s Earliest and Most Successful Iterators

The story of William Shockley and the transistor is particularly emblematic of Silicon Valley’s role as an idea and talent aggregator rather than pure technological innovator. Shockley was originally employed by Bell Labs, a subsidiary of the AT&T telecommunications monopoly and the most successful industrial laboratory of the 20th century. (7 Nobel prizes have been awarded for work performed at Bell). As narrated in Jon Gertner’s The Idea Factory, the idea for the transistor arose out of cooperation/competition between Shockley and his fellow team members at Bell.


Shockley氏の「Traitorous Eight(8人の反逆者)」はValley初で最も成功したイテレータ

William Shockley氏とトランジスタについての話は、単に技術的な革新者に関するものではなく、アイディア収集と人材収集の役割という面において特にSilicon Valleyを象徴している。Shockley氏は元々、電子通信業界独占企業で20世紀で最も成功した工業研究所AT&Tの子会社であるBell Labsで勤務していた(Bellでの功績に対して7つのノーベル賞を受賞している)。Jon Gertner氏のThe Idea Factoryでも語られているが、トランジスタのアイディアはShockley氏とBellの彼のチームメンバーとの共同作業と競争関係から生み出された賜物だ。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

After being awarded the Nobel for their work, Shockley left Bell to form his own company in Silicon Valley—Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory—intending to commercialize the transistor. Shockley’s lab would fail, but spun off a sister company called Fairchild semiconductor, consisting of the infamous “traitorous eight” who defected in protest of Shockley’s abrasive management style. Fairchild’s founders would eventually found successful semiconductor companies of their own, including the now well-known Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, as well as the VC fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which funded countless others.


彼らの功績に対してノーベル賞が授与された後、Shockley氏はトランジスタを商品化するべく、Silicon Valleyで自ら会社(Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory)を興すためBellを去った。
Shockley氏の研究所は失敗に終わったが、Shockley氏の不快なマネジメント方式に対して抗議する形で離脱した悪名高き「traitorous eight(8人の反逆者)」を含むメンバーでFairchild Semiconductorという姉妹会社を立ち上げた。
Fairchildの創始者らは最終的に彼ら独自のセミコン企業を見つけ出すことに成功したが、それには今日よく知られているIntelとAdvanced Micro Devices、そして他社に対して多額の資金投資を行ってきたベンチャーキャピタルのKleiner Perkins Caufield & Byersが含まれる。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The attitude of the users who are visiting price comparison sites and ecommerce sites is different. A site which has two functions, price comparison and commerce, is confusing to users. That’s why we decided to separate the sites – Raksul.com and Insatsu-Hikaku.com.

The result for Raksul was promising. So promising that it attracted a whopping $15.5 million investment in January 2014 led by WiL and other participating investors including GMO Ventures Partner, Itochu, Global Brain, and Mixi. By February 2014, Raksul hit US$500,000 in sales and in March, last month, sales doubled to US$1 million. It now works with more than 1,700 printing partners in Japan and has about 40 staff members.



Raksulの成果は有望だった。その高い将来性から、2014年1月にはWiL、そしてGMO Ventures Partner、Itochu、Global BrainそしてMixiを含む他の参加投資家らからなんと1550万米ドルもの融資を受けた。Raksulは、2014年2月までに50万米ドルの売上を計上し、先月3月にはその売上は100万米ドルにまで倍増した。現在同社は、日本国内で1700社以上もの印刷業者と提携しており、およそ40名の従業員を抱えている。