yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for showing interest in my auction. As you saw my BUY IT NOW price for this item is $1800 (shipping charges are included in the BIN price ).For a fair deal i want this transaction to be handled by eBay because they will offer protection to both of us and at the end of this transaction we will be able to exchange feedback.What you see in the auction is what you will receive at your door , i will also offer you 14 Days Return Policy so you can inspect the item that you will purchase from me , in case you are not satisfied you can return it back on my cost and you will get a full refund in the same day .



yakuok English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The beep you are hearing is the Ball Feed Alarm warning you of something stopping the ball motor from operating correctly.
A. The clear front cover for proper attachment( page15 of owners manual)
B. The ball supply- no broken, mis-shaped or dented balls and relatively clean
C. Proper location of coiled wire from body of machine to discharge head - the coiled wire should be freely hanging under the head, never looped over the area between head and robot body.
D. That there is no ball between the Ball Speed wheel and Friction block prior to turning on the feed.



A. クリアフロントカバーが正しく設置されているかどうか(取扱説明書の15ページ目をご参照ください)。

B. ボールサプライ:損傷のある、形に歪のある、または窪みのあるボールではないかどうか、またボールサプライは綺麗な状態かどうか 。

C. コイルワイヤーが、機器の本体からリリースヘッド部位にかけて正しい位置に設置されているかどうか。コイルワイヤーは、ヘッド下部位に自在にぶらさがっている状態であるべきで、ヘッドと機器の本体部分の間に巻きつけられていない状態であるかどうか。

D. フィードの電源を入れる前に、ボールスピードウィールとフリクションブロック(摩擦ブロック)の間にボールが挟まっていない状態であるかどうか。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

We reiterate the fact that Loving touch was not repaired but a new piece sent to you, as a matter of fact the item has been sold several times after and the same distinct crack that you refer to was also evident in the other pieces, simply because the baby is separate and attached before firing to the mother, when in the oven some times because of the expansion in the kiln there is a separation that looks like a crack. We spend valuable time in ensuring that items are packed very carefully and securely so that they reach safely their destination without damage, fact that you simply ignore and do not appreciate, and do not have time to neither peel stickers, repair items not change lap documentation.


何度もお伝えしておりますが、Loving Touch に関しましては私共では補修などは行っておらず、新しい商品をお送りしました。実際、貴方に商品をお送りした後、何名かの方々にも同じ商品をお買い上げ頂いており、それらの商品にも同様の傷が見受けられたようですが、この傷は、赤ん坊の部位は元々母親の部位と離れた状態なのですが、焼竈に入れてそれら2つの部位の焼き付け・貼り付け作業を行う際に、焼成炉内での膨張により2つの部位の間に隙間ができるようですが、この部分が傷のように見受けられるようです。私共では、全ての商品がきちんとそして慎重に梱包されることを確認し、それらの商品を損傷などなくお客様のお手元にお届けするため、諸所の確認作業に時間を費やしております。お客様には、これらの点を認めてご理解頂けず残念でありますが、私共ではシールの取りはがしをしたり、補修をしたり、諸書類の差し替えなどを行う時間などは全くもってございません。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Please be advised that we received your order and the charge went through. Because this is an international order paid with a credit card issued outside the USA, we are missing some important security information, such as address verification. We are required to take additional steps to protect the credit card holder. Therefore, we respectfully ask that you send us a copy of both sides of your credit card, clearly showing your name and the numbers. (For your security, you may block out the eight middle digits as well as the cvv2 code.)You can send your copy as a secured fax or a secured upload to the website and fax number listed below,

