yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

But with that said, we’re still humbly building our network and learning the ropes as we blog along. I don’t think any blog out there has the balls to claim that they know everything tech in China.

(And for the record, there’s no such thing as the “Michael Arrington of Asia.” And no one should aim to be that either — Live your own legacy!)

So the bottomline is that, like any small startup, we have to focus on things we do best and make an impact. Sure, we have a lot of aspirations to do this and that. But our current resources wouldn’t allow us to realize them — So yeahhh, for editorial content China is our focus, along with startups across Asia.



(また覚えておいてもらいたいのは、「アジアのMichael Arrington」なんてものはいないと言うこと。そして、誰もそうなろうと思ってはいけないと言うこと。自分自身が受け継がれし者となろう!)


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

‘DirtyBeijing’ App Courts Controversy, Warns Smartphone Users of Crazybad Air

A Beijing-based startup called Fresh Ideas Studio has just released perhaps the most good-looking local air quality app for iPhone and Android, called DirtyBeijing. But it could find itself getting into trouble, as it uses the stricter US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) index – not the one that’s mandated by the Chinese government.

The Fresh Ideas app, free for iPhone and Android, gives Beijing smartphone-toters what’s called the ‘PM2.5’ read-out, which refers to a kind of especially small ‘particulate matter’ that’s less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter.



北京を拠点とするスタートアップ企業Fresh Ideas Studioは、おそらく一番見た目がクールであろうDirty Beijingと呼ばれるiPhoneとAndroid向けのローカル大気環境アプリをリリースした。しかしこのアプリ、トラブルに足を突っ込みかねないのだ。と言うのもこのアプリ、中国で強制的に使用を義務付けられているインデックスではなく、さらに厳しい内容である米国環境保護庁(EPA)インデックスを使用しているからである。

iPhoneとAndroid上での使用は無料であるこのFresh Ideasのアプリは、北京のスマートフォンファンに向けて「PM2.5」と呼ばれる記録情報を提供し、これは特に直径2.5マイクロメーター以下の極小粒子状物質の類を指すものである。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Those are believed to cause more damage to urbanites’ lungs than the larger pollutants that are indexed by the older system that the authorities here use. And so the EPA-backed PM2.5 measure is controversial as it gives a truer picture of what’s in Beijing’s soupy “fog.”

The app’s name in English – DirtyBeijing – is a bit risky too, though its Chinese moniker translates to the more bland “Beijing air pollution index.” The app is a bit basic, with only one screen, but it’s still brand-new and just at version 1.0. At the moment it just has two graphs, the PM2.5 read-out, and two pieces of advice for those who’re venturing outdoors – including whether its advisable to wear a mask.




yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

And why exactly is PM2.5 so significant? Well, if you mosey over to the government-run China National Environmental Monitoring Center page for Beijing its differing metrics say that the air quality was (yes, it’s nearly two days out of date) “excellent” with an “air pollution index” of 27. Whatever that means. But the EPA PM2.5 metric begs to differ, and says that the Beijing air at that same time – using the app’s useful 30-day history timeline – was a code-orange “unhealthy for sensitive groups” with an index of 125. Spot the difference.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

And so PM2.5 is still a sticky subject. My colleague Charlie noticed last week when the city of Nanjing accidentally posted its PM2.5 pollution data on its municipal Weibo page – and then quickly deleted it.

Out of interest, the EPA system gained notoriety in China last year when an oxygen-starved staffer at the US embassy in Beijing got over-creative with his/her adjectives, and on its official @BeijingAir account described the city’s ozone as “crazybad.” The Joycean slip, however, served to alert people to a truer measure of what nearly 20 million people have to breathe in every day. And now they have a very sweet-looking app to help them visualize and gauge what’s in the air.



昨年、北京の米国大使館の良い空気を欲するスタッフが、彼/彼女の説明形容をあまりにも独創的なものにしすぎて、また公式の@BeijingAir アカウント上で当市のオゾン層を「狂ったほど悪い状態」と述べたおかげで、EPAシステムは中国においてその悪名を得ることになってしまった。しかし、Joycleanでは、ほぼ2000万人もの人々が日々空気中のどういった物質を吸い込んでいるのかを警告し、より事実に基づいたデータを提供している。

yakuok English → Japanese
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yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

G6 comes in 2 different boxes. 1 box has an airplane on the front, one box has a helicopter.
BOTH boxes have exactly the same simulator. They both have airplanes AND helicopters. They both have MORE airplanes and helicopters than the older version, G5.5.

The difference in the 2 boxes is, the box with the airplane comes with a FREE BONUS disk that contains extra airplanes, and the box with the helicopter comes with a FREE BONUS disk that contains extra helicopters. At the time you placed your order, they had only shipped the box with the extra helicopters. I did not get the box with the extra airplanes until about a week later. But with either box, you got more airplanes than would have come on G5.5.


