Yukari Oseki (y_oseki) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
Science Law Manuals Patents
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
y_oseki English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Please when shipping write down or mark the item as a "GIFT" and put a very low amount so I don't get charged for custom fees and duty fees. Thank you.

Thanks for the fast shipping, but I thought there is only one place wound on the reel but there is another place wound. If I would of known this then I would of bid lower like $20-$30 less. I still like the reel but I paid $227.50 including shipping which I think the reel is worth only $197.50-$207.50 including shipping. I will send you couple pictures of the wound. Thank you.

P.S. I hope we can work something out so you don't have to send me a prepaid label to return it back yo you. Thank you again




追伸: 何とか話し合いをして、あなたが返送用の支払い済みラベルを送らずにすむようにしたいと思います。