ご開運 (wuhaiyun) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Male 30s
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Japanese Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
wuhaiyun English → Japanese
Original Text

According to analyst Tomi Ahonen this morning on Twitter, Xiaomi’s entrance effectively kicks HTC out of the global top ten:

tomiahonen @tomiahonen

BTW Canalys reports now what I've told you weeks ago - Xiaomi has entered Top 10 largest smartphone makers in Q1 (ousting HTC)

Samsung still rocking China

Despite all the homegrown competition, Samsung is still ahead of the pack in China, where it leads with 18 percent market share. Xiaomi got a huge boost in its home market in the newest numbers, now moving up to third place. Canalys doesn’t give the full list of 10 for either China or the global line-up.



tomiahonen @tomiahonen

BTW Canalysの報告によると一週間前の話の通りXiaomiは世界最大のスマートフォンメーカーとしてQ1の世界のトップ10に入りました(HTCを追い超える).


