willandway Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
willandway English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello Kazuhiko,

Thank you for your recent order. We regret to inform you that your recent order for Black Label Superbreak, is not available in our physical stock. Nonetheless we do have the item in our stock with Amazon. Amazon will ship the item for us, to you, on or before 6/15/12. This was completely unexpected and we deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Once the order has shipped from our Amazon stock, we will issue a 5% refund off the item cost for the delay.

Again we truly apologize for the inconvenience. If there is anything further we can assist you with please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing to shop with us, we appreciate your business. Have a great day!



ご注文ありがとうございます。大変申し訳ございませんがBlack Label Superbreak の在庫が店舗にございません。ですがAmazonには在庫がございますのでAmazonから2012年6月15日までに貴殿に発送致します。今回の件は全く予想していなかったことなのですが、ご迷惑をお掛けし、大変申し訳ございません。ご注文がAmazonの在庫から発送され次第、商品価格より遅延による5%返金をさせていただきます。


willandway English → Japanese
Original Text

Singapore tops Mobile Payments Readiness Index, Philippines second in Southeast Asia

Singapore is the most mobile payment-ready nation in the world, according the the Mobile Payments Readiness Index by MasterCard. Philippines came in second in Southeast Asia, followed by Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

The Index gauges the readiness of 34 countries across the globe in three different categories: Peer-to-peer, mobile commerce, and point-of-sale. An overall score was given for each country, with a score of 60 indicating an inflection point where a country is ready for the mass adoption of mobile payment.

To derive that score, six different factors were weighed on a 0-100 scale:






willandway English → Japanese
Original Text

Consumer Readiness – MasterCard surveyed 1,000 consumers in each of the 34 countries to gauge their familiarity with mobile payment, willingness to use mobile payment and current usage of the three payment types.

Environment – Economic, technological and demographic elements, such as Internet access and per-capita income.

Financial Services – Depth of the financial services sector, including accessibility and affordability, and penetration of digital (plastic card-based) payments.

Infrastructure – Mobile phone penetration, network coverage and breadth of NFC terminals.

Mobile Commerce Clusters – Partnerships among financial services, telecommunications companies, governments and technology providers.





