I went back and checked my past emails regarding the tag you had mentioned. You had asked if it had a tag, not a "new item tag". I thought you were asking if it had a sewn tag on the bag from the manufacturer, which of course it does.So, is your issue that the bag is not new?
以前依頼した質問文のQ&Aです。翻訳お願い致します。I have a couple questions I would like to ask about ○○○.1. What is the best way to store it? In the refrigerator when not in use; remove 4-6 hours or more and store at room temperature before use.Is it okay at room temperature? Please tell me the best way to store it. All other ○○○ products should be stored at room temperature. The active all-natural ingredients in the products can become inactive if frozen or allowed to get too hot.