石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Sometimes it takes a last-minute surprise and a leap of faith to put a perfect ending on an album. Such was the case with Stickup Kid's "Tailwind," the late addition to their upcoming album Future Fire.

"About a month or so before we went in to track Future Fire at Jingletown in Oakland, Tony [Geravesh, vocals] told me he was working on a new song," explains guitarist Bo McDowell. "I thought it was insane to try and complete/demo/prep an entire song in less than a month when we had already been demoing/dissecting every song we already had."

It took only a brief listen to the song to ease McDowell's doubts about the late addition, however.


時々、アルバムに完全な結末を与えるには、土壇場のサプライズや信じてまかせてしまうことが必要な場合がある。Stickup Kidの「追い風」のケースが、そんなふうだった。彼らのもうじき発売になるアルバム「Future Fire」への最新の追加作品である。

「オークランドのジングルタウンでのFuture Fireの撮影に入る1ヶ月ほど前に、トニー[Geravesh、ボーカル]が、新曲に取り組んでいると私に告げたのです」と、ギタリストのボー・マクダウェルは説明する。「私は、正気の沙汰ではないと思いました。すでに過去の持ち歌全部をデモし/細かく分析してきているのに、1ヵ月足らずでまるまる一曲の歌を完成させ/デモして/準備しようとするなんて」


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

After 90 days, the hold will be removed and any remaining funds will be available per your settlement schedule. In addition, balance and settlement information will be available in the Payments section of your seller account. If you have questions about these funds, please write to payments-investigate@a.com

If you would like to appeal this decision, please visit the Notifications page in the Performance section of your account, find this message in the list of notifications, and click the Appeal button (https://●)For information on creating an appeal, search for “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help.



貴社が、この決定に抗議されたい場合は、貴口座の実績セクションの通知ページに入り、本メッセージを通知リストから探し出して、抗議(Appeal)ボタン (https://●)をクリックしてください。抗議作成のための情報については、売り手「ヘルプ」の「売り手の権利の解除への抗議」(「Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges」)を検索してください。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

And as translators, we need to learn about them and find the ones that fit our needs perfectly.

Having too many tools can also be overwhelming. Finding the right ones for our needs is the key to success. No one needs thousands of dictionaries when we can have that one or two covering all domains of our work. You have to know where to look for references for your segment. For example, many translators help themselves with Microsoft Language Portal when they need to translate tech terms into multiple languages. Reading articles, books and following news from other countries will also help you maintain high standards and adding neologisms to the known vocabulary on regular basis is inevitable.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

If you specialize in a certain field, make sure you don’t only learn about language, but also follow the industry news.

If you work as a freelancer, you are your own boss. And even though this sounds like an advantage, know that managing yourself requires much more discipline than managing others. Organizing yourself and planning the time you will allocate to specific tasks is a virtue. You need to follow a clear schedule and always add some extra time to the planning, just in case you get distracted or you need to take care of another thing at the same time. As a freelancer, you can’t afford to miss any deadlines!




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Your reputation is sometimes more important than your work, as your clients can’t evaluate the quality of your work due to lack of understanding of a certain language. Result delivery is the easiest thing to monitor, therefore don’t play with it! If you are not sure whether you can deliver a proper translation within the requested timeframe, ask for an extension of the deadline. Always work fast and avoid submitting work last minute. Give yourself an assurance that in case the workload is greater than expected you could still be able to work without feeling pressured or having to submit a low quality text. Keep in mind that there are many freelancers on the market.


クライアントは、特定の言語への理解が不足しているため、あなたの仕事の品質の評価ができませんから、評判が、時に、仕事の出来以上に重要になります。成果の納品は、もっとも簡単に観察できることです、したがって、これをもてあそばないこと! 頼まれた時間枠の範囲内できちんとした翻訳を納めることができるかどうかよくわからない場合は、最終期限の延長を求めましょう。常に、速めに仕事をし、締め切りぎりぎりに提出するのは避けてください。予想したよりも作業負担が大きい場合でも、プレッシャーを感じずに、また低品質のテキストを提出せざるをえないようなはめにならずに仕事が出来ることを、自己確認してください。市場にはいくらでもフリーランサーがいることを、肝に銘じておいてください。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We will guarantee the quality of our equipment, normally there is no quality problem
1.If there is a deficiency, please email or call us on the reasons, it would be best if this can be dealt with by email or telephone. Because some of the problems are caused by using the machine in a wrong way
2.We suggest the client to take photos of the area where the problem occurs, we will pass them to our technician , our technician will give a satisfactoryanswer within 1-7 working days
3.If the problem comes from the spare part, we could consider in changing the spare part for our client, which could be sent with his/her next order. If the next order is uncertain, we could pay freight cost to send the spare parts


1. 欠損がありましたら、その理由を明確にして、当社に電子メールをいただくか、お電話いただきたく。電子メール、または電話でこれに対処されることができればベストと思われます。問題の中には、機械を間違った方法で使ったことに起因する場合も、ままありますので。
2. 当社では、クライアント様には、問題が起こっている部分の写真をお撮りいただくようご提案しています。それを当社技術者に回すことにしており、技術者が満足の行く返事を1-7就業日以内に差し上げることになります。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Follow the easy steps, print the final page and include it in your return box.How should I ship my return/exchange?
Pack and seal your box securely, in the original package if possible. To be properly processed, you return/exchange must include a completed return form.
Go here, log in, click on "View Order" and on the following page click on the "Return or Exchange Items" link.
Follow the easy steps, print the final page and include it in your return box.
You should ship your return/exchange with a carrier who will provide your package with a tracking number to ensure that your package does not get lost.
Packages must be returned prepaid. We do not accept COD.


ここから、ログインし、「View Order」(注文を見る)をクリック、次のページの「Return or Exchange Items」(返品、または交換アイテム)のリンクをクリックします。