石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

“There have been many developments in the region that have the potential to be interesting to businesses. Besides the increase of mobile usage, I would say one interesting discovery is the high popularity of social media on mobile devices. In every country, results show social media to be the most common type of application used, winning out over games, music, weather, sports, news, and banking applications. What businesses can take away from this finding is the importance and relevance of expanding their outreach and enabling conversation through social media platforms. B2C outreach is no longer a monologue; it has now truly become an open dialogue.”



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

According to Anurag, the mobile scene in emerging markets in the Asia Pacific region is very much different from their counterparts in the developing world. But one thing is certain: mobile is on the rise. In particular, mobile users are getting online to participate in social media discussions and engage in conversations where they can otherwise have no access.

In particular, mobile devices are a primary means of accessing the Internet, especially in developing economies, where smartphones or even feature phones are more accessible than desktop or notebook computers. Anurag calls this a “leapfrogging” of the desktop generation.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Anurag Banerjee, APAC managing director of mobile-based market research firm Jana, shares a few insights on the prevailing trends in the mobile industry.

There is no doubt that mobile technologies are on the rise. From smartphones to tablets, 4G LTE connections to secure, enterprise-grade presence systems, mobile devices are increasingly becoming important in our daily lives. However, there is still a big disparity between emerging and developed markets here in Southeast Asia, with regard to accessing mobile networks and the Internet. Feature phones are still strong, and SMS is still a prevalent means of communicating, exchanging information and even marketing.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

About Match Scoring

About Skins Scoring
When you select the skins scoring method (page 2), players compete for a prize on each hole.
When you set the Approach to count strokes, the device determines the winner of each hole. Otherwise, at the end of each hole, select the player who had the fewest strokes. You can select multiple players if there is a tie for the win.

About Stableford Scoring
When you select the Stableford scoring method (page 2), points are awarded based on the number of strokes taken relative to par. At the end of a round, the highest score wins. The Approach awards points as specified by the United States Golf Association.

The scorecard for a Stableford scored game shows points instead of strokes.






tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

A is the total of the two distances.

◎If necessary, select to zoom in on the target circle.
◎When zoomed in on the target circle, select to return to the map of the hole.

Viewing the Green

While previewing a course, or during a game, you can take a closer look at the green and move the pin location.

◎Begin playing a game or previewing a course .
◎Select GREEN to zoom in on the green.
◎Drag to move the pin location.

Preview Mode
When you preview a course, you can view a simulation of the course. The map gradually zooms in on the green to simulate the way it performs when you play through a hole.
The simulation begins automatically if you do not touch the screen for a few moments after selecting the hole.

Course Updates








tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

To retain your selling privileges, enter your tax identity information using the short interview process available in Seller Central. From Settings, select Account Info and then click the link in the US Tax Information section. Note that this interview can only be accessed by the primary user of your account.

You are still required to fulfill any orders that are in a shippable status in your seller account. Shippable orders have confirm and cancel buttons in Manage Orders.

If you have provided your tax identity information to Amazon in the last 24 hours, please disregard this message.



あなたは引き続き、売り手口座の出荷可能な状況にあるすべての注文の履行を求められます。出荷可能な注文には、「受注管理(Manage Orders)」に確認、およびキャンセル・ボタンがあります。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

One of the best rc videos i have seen. Good music, but you can still clearly hear engine, good work.

awesome video!!! awesome baja rc.. where can i purchase one like yours? that is just awesome love the color bro good looks!!

hey bro whats your email? i want to build a baja maybe you can guide me.. thank man ill be waiting for your reply thanks again.

Awesome video brother. Subscribed!

Your videos rock! Keep up the great work and thanks for taking the time post them.

how fucking dare you say linkin park is horrible, they have more musical talent than you ever will.



みごとなbajaのリモコンカー... こんなのどこで買えばいいの? 色もいいね、兄弟、良いスタイルだぜ!!

ねえ、兄弟、そちらの電子メールは? 多分、bajaを組み立てたいんだけど、手伝ってくれるかい... ありがたいね、返事を待ってる、もう一度ありがとう。




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Those prices are if you pay by wire transfer (no paypal they charge 3 % extra charges, so I would have to increase my quote)
Are you saying 10 each item or total of 10 between all the items.

With only 10-30 units total, the best way to ship will be UPS, but shipping goes up to about $10 per unit this way.

Most wire transfers can be handled via a computer via your banks

Most of the time it takes 1-2 weeks to get ordered and delivered to us from NIKE. Then we ship it out to you.
So figure an extra $10 per unit for the shipping.
If you want to place an order let me know and I will figure out a total price for you to wire transfer and I will then provide you banking information.






tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

No problem. Simply order online anytime. To order a matched sextet, your order quantity should be "6" with "Matched Sections" selected. If you order "12" tubes you can tell us your request for sextets when you checkout. There is an Order Comment box on that page where you can tell us this requirement.

The Matched triodes service charge is $5 per tube.

Once we receive your order, we will contact you with your exact shipping options and prices. At that time you can decide what shipping method you prefer or you can cancel the order. Shipping by air parcel post is often $20 but if your order is more than $200 we do not send by this because it has no tracking.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

We heard your feedback, and we're pleased to announce that we have lowered our shipping rates.

Starting today, all MyUS.com members pay lower per-pound rates on all shipments!
With our new lower shipping rates, you can now save even more when shopping the USA. We have significantly reduced our per-pound shipping rates to all countries, so there is no better time to shop without borders.

A Special Offer for You
We want you to come back to MyUS.com and try our new, lower prices. That's why we are inviting you back with FREE account setup and three months of FREE Premium Membership*!





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Come Back to MyUS.com Now and Save >>

Even More Ways to Save
To learn how our FREE repacking and consolidation services can help you save money, see this Frequently Asked Question. Also, be sure to see our Shipping Preferences page for even more cost saving tools!

Have Questions?
If you have any questions, of if we can assist you in any way, our Customer Service department is here seven days per week to help. You can contact us via email at cs@myus.com or by visiting our website and clicking, "Live Chat."


今、MyUS.comを再訪して、節約を >>

当社の「無料」再こん包・集約サービスがどのようにしてお客様のお金の節約のお役にたつかをお知りになるには、この「よくあるご質問(Frequently Asked Question)」をご覧ください。また、さらに多くの費用節約ツールについては、必ず当社の出荷方法(Shipping Preferences)ページをご覧ください!

cs@myus.comに電子メールを送るか、当社ウェブサイトを訪問して、「ライブ・チャット(Live Chat.)」をクリックしていただければ、当社に連絡いただけます。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

LG to ship Retina displays for next-gen iPad mini ahead of October debut

Adding to the mounting pile of iPad mini rumors, a report from the Far East on Friday claims Apple supplier LG is preparing to ship millions of panels bound for a rumored Retina display version of the device, suggesting the tablet may see a fourth quarter launch.

Flip-flopping on a report from Monday, the hit-or-miss DigiTimes now expects Apple to launch a Retina display-toting iPad mini in 2013, citing industry insiders who claim LG is "making new headway" in producing the high-resolution panels for the tablet. LG is reportedly looking to ship two to three million units per month ahead of an October release, these people said.



高まる大量のiPadミニに関するうわさに加えて、金曜日のFar Eastからのレポートでは、アップルのサプライヤーのLGが同機器のうわさのRetinaディスプレイ・バージョン用となる何百万枚ものパネルを出荷する準備をしており、これは同タブレットが第4四半期に発売されることを意味しているとのことです。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Adding to the report, the South Korean company's display arm is supposedly planning to ship 2.5 to 3 million 9.7-inch panels a month for the iPad, with 1 to 2 million earmarked for a next-gen version of Apple's full-size tablet. Further, sources claim the fifth-generation iPad is to be thinner and lighter than existing versions, and will use a single LED backlight bar, rather than the existing two-module configuration.

The latest rumblings over the Pad mini come just four days after the publication cited other supply chain sources in a report claiming the device would merely see a redesign for 2013, with a Retina model to come sometime in 2014.


