I am sorry for the trouble this has caused you.I checked on the problem which you pointed out.I uploaded the photo without realizing the problem, and not intentionally I must say.I would like you to understand that.Please rest assured. I deleted the uploaded commercial product.Again, I apologize for this.
The tracking number has not been updated yet.It is obviously not normal and something is wrong based on my experience.The tracking number I was informed is 940010969993859894133.Is this number really correct?If it is a right one, can you please contact USPS and look into the situation?In addition to that, please let me know the shipping date and the estimated arrival date.Please respond to the above mentioned issues as soon as possible.
Influitive offers an online community with exclusive content such as more info about a brand’s products, plus the ability to network with other fans. “Challenges” are tailored to each community member, based on usage, age, geography, and other factors, and may include actions like writing a review or sharing a referral.Successfully completed challenges generate points, which can be traded for swag, discounts, or other goodies.CEO and founder Mark Organ told me via email that HP Software wanted to stay in regular communication with customers so they were up-to-date on the company’s latest products.
Influitiveでは、ブランドの製品に関するより詳しい情報などの独自のコンテンツを盛り込み、また他のファンの人たちと繋がることができるオンラインコミュニティーを提供しています。「チャレンジ」は、各コミュニティーメンバーに対して使用、年齢、地理、その他の要素をもとにカスタマイズされます。また、レビューの書き込みやリファーラルのシェアなどの行為が含まれるようです。うまく完了したチャレンジにはポイントが与えられ、このポイントは身の回り品、割引、その他特産品と交換することができます。CEOで創設者のMark Organ氏は、HPソフトウェアが顧客との定期的なコミュニケーションを維持することで、企業の最新製品に関する最新情報をお届けすることを望んでいたんだ、と私宛のメールでおっしゃっていました。