Takeshi Tanigawa (takeshi64) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Hiroshima, Japan
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
takeshi64 English → Japanese
Original Text

The electric car seems like a great idea to save money as well as the environment in the country. Dahlan said via Okezone that a single electric charge for the little hatchback with a 150 km-range would only cost around IDR 50,000 (US$5.30) while the usual fuel-load would cost around IDR 300,000 ($31.80) – though he should’ve pointed out that all that fuel would carry you further than in the electric minicar. He also claimed that the cost of building each charging station is much cheaper: building a typical petrol station would cost at least IDR 3 billion ($318,000), and would take two years of construction [1]; whereas for electric charging points, you only need one week to build it.


電気自動車は、エネルギー節約ができ、しかも国の環境保護にもつながるといった、すばらしいアイデアのように見える。Dahlan氏はOkezoneを通じ、ガソリン車が150km走行するためにかかるコストは300,000ルピア(31.80ドル)としながら、電気自動車は50,00ルピア(5.30ドル)であると述べた。―― だが、ガソリン車が小型電気自動車よりも長距離走行できることを、同氏は言うべきだったのでは…―― また、同氏は充電ステーション設置のほうが、ガソリンスタンドを設置するよりも、はるかに低コストであると主張:通常、ガソリンスタンドを設置するには、30億ルピア(318,000ドル)かかり、設置には2年かかる。[1];一方、電気充電スタンド設置は、わずか1週間だ。

takeshi64 English → Japanese
Original Text

The country can also eventually save up to IDR 500 trillion ($53 billion) with this project according to the minister’s claims to TribunNews.

If you’re wondering how much the electric car cost, the tiny hatchback car, which is named after its developer, the Ahmadi Mesin 5.0, is touted at around IDR 200 million ($21,200) – a pretty large price tag for a tiny vehicle. While for the electric supercar, the minister is anticipating a price of around IDR 1.5 billion ($159,000).

The cars look good, the infrastructure is slowly underway, and it offers cheaper personal transport than oil-powered cars – everything just seems too good to be true. I hope that it’s all feasible soon though.



翻訳者注:前後関係から考えて、the minister=Dahlan氏と思われます。

電気自動車はいくらぐらいか心配なら、開発会社の名にちなんで名付けられたハッチバック、Ahmadi Mesin 5.0を見るとよいだろう。販売価格は、約2億ルピア(21,200ドル)で、小型車としてはかなり高めである。一方、電気スーパーカーのThe Ministerは約15億ルピア(159,000ドル)になると予想される。


takeshi64 English → Japanese
Original Text

But as soon as there’s only one person you have a common friend with, or you have been introduced to, you already have something in common. That makes it so much easier to start a conversation, and most likely it will lead you to a better and more honest conversation.”

Go Break The Ice is a new online dating service that users the influence of one’s social network to find Mrs. or Mr. Right while this survey was part of its market research activities.

However, online dating in its current form still has some risks. Some scenarios include persons looking completely different than on the photo, persons not showing up at all, person who turned up made a somewhat creepy or suspicious impression.



Go Break The IceはSNS型の新しいネット出会いサービスです。この調査は、市場調査の一環として行なわれました。
