Taka Hiro (takapierro) Translations

5.0 2 reviews
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Over 10 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English
Tax Business Accounting Finance Insurance Travel Banking
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
takapierro English → Japanese
Original Text

Why this item gone...I do understand that items are sold elsewhhere. I work for eBay send me pics of ones I can buy make sure its real please eBay is starting to shut fakes sites down I know what real ones are plz send me links to keepalls I can buy thank you!! I will validate your site if real

OK what about the speedy 40 bag that up for bid how much? With discount can I pay and you know it reaal?

If you cannot sell me the item remove it from my cart!!! Idk why u can't sell...there probably fake anyways..


なぜこの商品が無くなったの… 私は商品がどこかで売れたのだと思うのですが。 私はebayに本物の商品が買えるように働きかけています。ebayは偽物の商品を売っているサイトを取り締まり始めているところです。私は本物がどんなものかわかっているので、それが買えるサイトのリンクを送って下さい。

もしスピーディーな40バックならばいくらになるでしょうか? 値引きした値段で買えるのでしょうか?

