あなたが返品した商品が日本に届きました私はあなたに$200と返送費用の$10.20を返金しますPaypalに問い合わせたら、eBayのResolution Centerで問題が解決されないと、返金の手続きがで行えないということなので、まずはあなたがeBayのクレームを取り消してください-私はあなたからの注文を受け付けました早速、商品を工房から取り寄せますまずあなたはNo.12の商品を落札して$12をお支払ください商品が私に届いたら、重さを計り、改めて合計額をお知らせいたします
I've got the return from you to Japan.I wil refund the money $200 and the return postage $10.20 to you.However, according to Paypal's inquiry, I can't proceed the repayment as long as the claim has solved on eBay Resolution Center.Please cancell your claim first.I've received your order.I will order the good from the workshop as soon as possible.Please make a bid for No.12 and pay $12.When I've got the good and weigh the package, I will let you know the total amount of payment.
Since 1973 oil crisis, the energy consumption by industry sectors has decreased, however, the production index has increased. In other words, there was a gap between produtivity and energy consumption.This means the energy saving procedures in manufacturing industry.The amount of energy per prodution quantity has decreased.The more value-added products are produced.Thus, the energy efficiency has been higher. In transportation sectors, the consumtion of shipment stagnated for the recession.On the other hand, that of passenger transport increased with more private cars and aircrafts.