If we purchase the items that are supposed to be handled in all other agencies from you, and carry out the marketing in Japan by 100 percent, can we be your exclusive agency?If it is possible, we would like to execute a contract of partnership with you. If it is a contract as an agency, we do not proceed it since it is not profitable for us to use money for promotion.However, we have a route to wholesale to wholesaler, Loft, Tokyu Hands and other stores if we are the window of sales in Japan.
I noticed when I asked to issue the certificate of tax yesterday. It appears that amount in the invoice on September 1st (2015 GN 1008) is wrong. In Excel, it is listed ""38,180 JPY", but it is listed "36,180 JPT" in the invoice. As the money sent and tax have already been paid by the amount of 38,180 JPY, may I ask you to correct it to "38,180 JPY", and issue an invoice whose total is 81,961 JPY?As we cannot issue the certificate of tax if we do not have a correct invoice, I appreciate your cooperation.
I contact you to inform you good news.You can purchase only 1 piece for each now.Do you need additional piece?You can purchase addition at 1.2 dollars per piece. You do not need shipping charge for the addition.You can purchase at this price only when you order from this e-mail.You have to pay the regular price when you purchase at eBay.The item other than the one you purchased this time is fine.You can order by telling name of the item you request and its volume.Then Paypal issues you an invoice.I hope that you consider above.
These quantities would need to be ordered over a 12 month period from the date of the agreement. We have used similar models to this in the establishment of markets in both Europe and South Africa with tremendous success for the brand as well as the distributors, this size of order has allowed them to maintain inventory and also to increase the size of orders for the following year.For all products, I do not believe it makes sense for us to offer exclusivity at this point though it is something we can revisit in the future.
For example, a buyer wants to buy a $25 coffee grinder fulfilled by Amazon. Previously the buyer would have needed to find another Amazon-fulfilled item for at least $10 in order to qualify for free shipping on the entire order. Now seller-fulfilled offers with free shipping can be combined with Amazon-fulfilled offers to meet the $35 minimum order. If the buyer adds a $10 bag of coffee sold by a seller offering free shipping, the combined price of the grinder and the coffee allows the entire order to qualify for free shipping by Amazon.
1. We do not send on Saturday and Sunday. If you win in the bidding after the shipment time on Friday (Japan time), we will send it on Monday.2. We are missing the manual. As we have an item where the manual of the same item was scanned, we will send it to address of Paypal (It is written only in Japanese). If this manual is not clear enough to read, please let us know.3. We hate to say, but we cannot correct the price of the item that is listed when we send. Would you ask the amount of the customs duties to the customs?
Dear competition entrant, Congratulations! You have been chosen as a finalist for the Character/Prosthetic student make-up competition at the 2015 International Make-Up Artist Trade Show Sydney, held at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park. All Character/Prosthetic competitors and their models will receive a badge that allows free entry to both days of the show. Artists and models should pick up their badges Saturday at registration and arrive at the student competition stage no later than 8 a.m. SATURDAY, Nov. 14. Please confirm your participation no later than Wednesday, Oct. 14. For official competition rules, see http://●● Here is the schedule (which is subject to change):
8 a.m.: Arrive, get badges, check in at competition stage8:30 a.m.: Rehearsal9 a.m.: Prosthetic fitting9:30 a.m.: Set up stations, put on costumes, provide before shots and inspiration sheets, sign talent release10 a.m.: Competition begins1 p.m.: Competition ends1:15 p.m.: Judging2-3 p.m.: Lunch3-3:10 p.m.: Touchups3:15 p.m.: Show begins3:30 p.m.: Awards/goodbye If you are coming from outside of Australia, remember to check the wattage for any electrical appliances (airbrush, etc.) that you may be bringing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. We look forward to seeing you soon! Best wishes, Heather
7.相互フォロー管理機能押すことでこちらのフォローを解除できますInstagramをアクティブに投稿してるユーザー必見の機能です。こちらが一方的にフォローしている一覧が表示されるので、相互フォローしてないユーザーを外すことが出来ます。 8.お気に入り機能これまでにいいねを押した一覧が表示されます。お気に入りに登録したユーザーが表示されます。お気に入りに登録したハッシュタグ一覧が表示されます。クリックするとそのハッシュタグが表示されます。
7. Function of controlling following each otherif you push it, you can remove this following.It is a function that users who post the message to Instagram actively should see.As a list where we follow is shown, you can remove the user who does not follow each other.8. Like!A list where all the "Likes!" are listed is shown.The users who are registered at the Like are shown.A list of hush tag that is registered at the Like is shown.If you click, the hush tag is shown.
Re: "Sell Japanese items in good quality at the price lower than Amazon.com"How do you do?We contact you for the first time this time.We are the company by focusing on export of Japanese items to purchasers abroad.We saw your website. We decided to contact you since we found that you might need to purchase the Japanese items.(Merit)We can export to USA by using air and sea via direct trading of wholesaler.You can sell at the price lower than Amazon website.
Other than that, we can estimate separately if you let us know information about JAN, name of the item and picture.As we have a function of sending abroad, the shipping charge is low.We can handle the items by both small and large volume. We hope that you consider our idea.We are looking forward to your reply.
Thank you for the file attached. I opened it without problem this time.Regarding A that I purchased, may I ask you to let me know the manufacturing country and manufacturing process to explain to the customs?When I purchased B by using the same material before, I was told that the manufacturing country was C and the manufacturing process was as follows.(Manufacturing process is deleted.)Is A manufactured in the same country and manufactured in the same process?Or are they different?
伏見稲荷大社作法ガイドマップの発行についてページ番号189179ソーシャルサイトへのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きますtwitterでツイートするFacebookでシェア2015年10月2日広報資料 平成27年10月2日伏見区役所深草支所取次:産業観光局観光MICE推進室(外国人観光客向け)伏見稲荷大社作法ガイドマップの発行について京都造形芸術大学 情報デザイン学科とコラボ!
Issue of guide map of manner of Fushimi Inari ShrinePage number: 189179You can open the link to social website by different window.Tweet by TwitterShare by FacebookOctober 2nd 2015Document for advertising: October 2nd 2015Fushimi ward office Fukakusa branchMediator: Industry Sightseeing Office Sightseeing MICE Promotion Room(For foreigner) Issue of the guide map of manner of Fushimi Inari ShrineCollaborate with Kyoto University of Art & Design Information Design Department
伏見稲荷大社周辺地域では,外国人観光客の訪問により,生活習慣の違いなどから生じるマナー問題や交通問題が大きな課題となっていることから,観光客の皆 さんに気持ち良く観光をしてもらい,思い出だけでなく日本の「心」を持ち帰ってもらうとともに,安心安全に観光できる環境づくりを目指しています。 この度, 「伏見稲荷大社作法ガイドマップ」を作成するとともに,啓発活動を実施いたしますので,お知らせします。
As there are serious problems of manner and traffic caused as a result of difference of life style by visit of foreign sightseers around Fushimi Inari Shrine, we are trying to create an environment where the sightseers can do sightseeing safely while doing the sightseeing comfortably as well as bringing back not only the memory about Japan but also its"mind".We announce that we carry out the activity of promotion while drawing up the "Guide Map of Manner at Fushimi Inari Shrine".
※「伏見稲荷大社」は世界最大の旅行口コミサイト「トリップアドバイザー」で2年連続「外国人に人気の日本の観光スポット」第1位! 1 発行月 平成27年10月 2 内容 (1)デザイン このガイドマップは,2012年度から伏見稲荷地域をテーマに様々な取組をする京都 造形芸術大学情報デザイン学科の学生が,伏見稲荷大社や伏見稲荷参道商店街の方々から の聞き取りをもとに,京都コンテンツのひとつである漫画でデザインしたものです。
*"Fushimi Inari Shrine" is ranked top as the "sightseeing spot that is popular among foreigners" at the largest travel website "Trip Advisor" that is the website by word of mouth for 2 years in a row.1. Month of issueOctober 20152 Details(1)DesignThis guide map was designed with comics, which is one of Kyoto contents, by students of Kyoto University of Art & Design Information Design Department who handle a variety of topics with the theme of the area around Fshimi Inari based on hearing from people at Fushimi Inari Shrine and shopping street at the Shrine.
(2)掲載事項 ・伏見稲荷大社の歴史 ・神社参拝の作法 ・交通の作法 ・トイレの作法 ・ゴミ捨ての作法 等 3 発行部数 中国語(簡体字) 60,000部 英語 60,000部 スペイン語 10,000部 4 伏見稲荷大社周辺における啓発活動 (1)日時 平成27年10月12日(祝) 午後3時~午後4時半 (2)場所 伏見稲荷大社表参道 付近
(2) Items listedHistory of Fushimi Inari ShrineManner when visiting the ShrineManner of trafficManner of toiletManner of throwing away rubbish, etc.3. Number of issueChinese(Simplified): 60,000 English: 60,000Spanish: 10,0004. Promotion activity around Fushimi Inari Shrine(1) Time and day: 15:00 to 16:30 on October 12th 2015 holiday(2) Place: Around main street of the Fushimi Inari Shrine
(3)内容 外国人観光客に当該ガイドマップを配布。 (4)参加者 京都造形芸術大学情報デザイン学科,深草稲荷保勝会,深草支所 等 5 ガイドマップ配布箇所 市内観光案内所,伏見稲荷大社,伏見稲荷参道商店街,JR稲荷駅,京阪伏見稲荷駅,市内の各宿泊施設や 観光施設等 6 掲載ホームページ 訪日前から作法ガイドマップの情報を知っていただけるように,以下のHPに掲載し,広く活用を図ります。
(3) Details: Distribute the guide map to foreign sightseers(4) Participant: Kyoto University of Art & Design Information Design Department, Fukakusa Inari Hoshou Kai, Fukakusa branch, etc.5. Place where the guide map is distributedSightseeing office in the city, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Shopping street of Fushimi Inari Shrine, JR Fushimi Station, Keihan Fushimi Inari Station, hotels, Japanese inns and sightseeing facilities in the city6. Home pageAs we would like sightseers to know information about manner guide map before they come to Japan, we list information on the website where many sightseers can see.
京都市伏見区深草支所「世界一安心安全・おもてなしのまち京都 市民ぐるみ推進運動」 外国人旅行者向け京都観光ウェブサイト「Kyoto Official Travel Guide」(※外国語版)外部サイトへリンクします7 参考資料 広報資料・伏見稲荷大社作法ガイドマップ http://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/sankan/images/pdf.gif広報資料(PDF形式, 152.96KB)
Kyoto City Fushimi-ku Fukakusa branch "Promotion activity by all citizens for Kyoto that is the safest city in the world and hospitable".Link to outside website "Kyoto Official Travel Guide"(*foreign language version) that is the website of sightseeing in Kyoto for foreign travelers.7. ReferenceDocument for advertising and guide map of manner of Fushimi Inari Shrinehttp://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/sankan/images/pdf.gif(PDF, 152.96KB)
Thanks for your information. It's bad news but we still have to keep going. We really want to finish these things soon and start producing product for you. I think, the bag was broken because when the worker in air port put the product in the airplane, they throw it. If we export it by container, it won't happen. Anyway, I hope the next time inspection will be ok. You brought many bags of sample back to Japan, so you will use one of these bags to inspect again or we have to make another one?
The customs contacted us today, and it is going to be inspected again.We are inquiring the inspection institution about by what kind of process bacteria was created.The inspection at the customs in Japan has been getting stricter every year.As we are going t pick up the sample, we will let you know as soon as we decide the schedule from now.