steveforest (steveforest) Translations

5.0 9 reviews
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Over 5 years ago Male
English Japanese (Native)
technology Travel Food/Recipe/Menu
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
steveforest English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hello Takako,

it is wonderful hearing from you.

It was a pleasure for me as well. Thank you for your time and the nice talk and your interest!

Thank you for the pictures as well.

I am looking forward to do business with you.

I want to ask you for 1 week. I am going to go to the fair "Trendset Munich" today. I will stay there as an exhibitor till Tuesday. This

I want to prepare everything for you and would like to give you all the information and pictures next week on friday - i do hope it is ok this way.

The colors and patterns you chose are beautiful and I think they are perfect for your intention!

Best regards,

Atakan Celik


一週間ほど掛るかもしれませんが、今日 "Trendset Munich"という展示会へ行きます。
Atakan Celik

steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for sending me the pictures – it looks very nice and the Ajisai is very beautiful season.

With pleasure we are sending you enclosed our order confirmation including freight costs by TNT Economy Express.

I checked the availability of the items and I have seen that item 8647 is currently out of stock, but we will receive next container next week on 03 July 2019.

Therefore, I set the delivery date for your order for the week 03 July – 10 July 2019, I hope this is okay with you.

May we ask you kindly to arrange the payment of your order as usual until 02 July 2019?

I will inform our warehouse manager to prepare the order for delivery end of next week.

With pleasure we will keep you informed.


喜んでTNT Economy Expressによる送料を含む注文確認書をお送りします。
私は商品の状況を在庫確認し、 商品番号8647は現在欠品中であることを確認しました。しかし、2019/07/3にコンテナを受け取る予定です。



steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

I worked with Jeff at the very earliest stages on Apple Watch and he, I think, represents an extraordinary combination of the optimisations that are necessary in creating a singular product.

He has a tremendous intuition and judgment around products.

That is combined with an extremely deep sense of the engineering pragmatics associated with developing complex products.

“There are some areas that are personal natural passions for me.The work that we've been doing with wearable technology — with technology becoming more personal, there is an inevitability that it becomes worn.

As a designer, what I think you are trying to do is solve extremely complex problems but make that resolution very simple.



steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

There was an employee meeting a number of years ago and Steve Jobs was talking.

He said that one of the fundamental motivations was that when you make something with love and with care, even though you probably will never meet . .  the people that you're making it for, and you'll never shake their hand, by making something with care, you are expressing your gratitude to humanity, to the species.

With that, it wasn't opportunism .we saw we could use technology to be extraordinarily useful in relation to our health and wellbeing.This area is one that I've been fascinated by, as is specifically addressed by wearable technology.”

You're not dragging people through the victories or otherwise that you've been working on



steveforest English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1) About one month has passed since I transferred money, but I have not received the item yet. I wonder why I have not heard from you at all?

If I do not hear from you from now and do not receive the item, I have to arrange for refunding to PayPal.
I also have rate you poorly. As I am going to wait until Friday this week, please answer me.

2)Hi the paypal address was wrong
I never received the funds and they should have automatically went back to you.

3)I still have this record. I can provide 20% off for long time waiting

4)Hi, I lost contact with the world. I have your record. Please PM m


1 送金から一カ月が経過するのになぜ商品は届かないのでしょうか?またこちらからの問い合わせに対してどうしてお返事を頂けないのでしょうか?
2 こんにちは、ですが、ペイパルのアドレスは間違っていました。
3 この記録をまだ持っています。長時間お待たせしているので20%オフを提供可能です。
4 こんにちは。世界から孤立してしまいました。私は記録を持っています。PM(プライベートメッセージを送って下さいの意味かもしれません)をお願いします。