steveforest (steveforest) Translations

5.0 9 reviews
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Almost 6 years ago Male
English Japanese (Native)
technology Travel Food/Recipe/Menu
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

If anyone does decide to buy this and isn't happy with the condition then please just return it and I'll happily give a full refund.

I should also mention that I'm only opening my Discogs shop for a day or so every week at the moment due to current health scare and postage problems. This allows me to manage the amount of orders I get and reduces the amount of times I have to go out to the post office. So, if the record looks like it's no longer available then it's ok, there's a reasonable chance that it hasn't been sold and I've just withdrawn all of my stock temporarily, just reply to this email and I'll let you know if it's still available and how to pay



steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

The record itself does have some light hairline marks, as with the sleeve it's generally ok but nowhere near mint. The surface marks are very light and superficial with no real effect on the sound other than a few light clicks on "Underground Girl" and occasional light crackles between tracks (not between every track, just some of them and even then it is light crackling not a heavy, log fire, type sound). The sound for the most part is clear and clean, no jumps, no sticking, this has been in my own collection for many years and I've been very happy with it, I'm only selling now as I've just got a NM copy as part of a large collection which has just been purchased.


このレコードにはスリーブの状態はOKですが、若干の細かいヘアライン傷がありますので、未使用という状況ではありません。表面に軽い傷がありますが、 "Underground Girl"に数か所軽いクリックノイズがあること、トラック間に時折パチパチ音があるくらいで実質に問題はありません(全てのトラック間という訳ではなく、いくつかのトラック間でパチパチ音がややあり)。全体に渡り音はクリアです。針飛びもなく、音飛びもありません。私の長年のコレクションの中の一枚であり大変気に入っている一枚です。最近NMコピーを新たなコレクションとして購入したので、これを手放すことにしたのです。

steveforest English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your interest in the Colin Hare LP. There are photos attached as requested but apologies for the quality of them, my camera's not the best.

The sleeve is generally in ok condition but nowhere near mint. It's a single sleeve made from matt card, no lamination. The front is fine, it shows slight signs of being handled but there's no tears, no creases, no ringwear or anything similar, in a PVC sleeve at arms length it looks good. The rear is also free from any tears or creases, the white parts do show a few light dirty marks but that's just from being handled over 50 years. There's light scuffing along the top and bottom seams but no splits.


Colin HareのLPに興味を持っていただきありがとうございます。ご希望の写真を添付しましたが、カメラの性能もあり質はあまりご期待に添えるものでないことをお許しください。

steveforest Japanese → English
Original Text



Although we transferred the money internationally to your designated bank from the Japan Post bank on the 15th of April, we received a note of failure to receive the transfer from the bank yesterday afternoon.
We also consulted to a major bank about the international money transfer and they say we cannot transfer to your bank directly. The guideline of the Japanese government since April, it became to restrict the international money transfer to Russia and former Soviet regions.
Could we pay via PayPal then? We switched the payment for others in Russia to the PayPal shortly before. Would you send us an invoice of PayPal including the charge for the PayPal, please? I am sorry to put you any trouble but I appreciate your understanding.