sparkie Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese (Native) Indonesian Malay
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

Employees of the company were paid a $24,000 base salary plus a percentage share of any commissions earned by licensed brokers, if they were successful in obtaining new accounts for the brokers, according to court papers.

One employee, Bennet Marcus of New York City, worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. five days a week and was unpaid during his training, according to the suit. He worked for AXA from October 2010 through February as a trainee and cold caller, according to the law firm.
“The company is committed to fulfilling all of its wage and hour obligations,” said Jo Ann Tizzano, assistant vice president of external affairs for AXA Equitable Life Insurance. “We believe that there is no merit to this complaint.”



控訴によれは、従業員の一人、ニューヨーク市のベネット・マルカスは朝の8時から夜の8時まで、週5日働いたにもかかわらず、トレイニング中は無給であった。彼はAXAのために2010年の10月から2月まで、電話勧誘の研修生として働いたと、弁護事務所は述べた。「我社は給料支払いと時間拘束料すべての支払いに全力をつくしています。」AXA 生命保険会社の渉外部門の部長補佐であるジョー・アン・チザノ氏は語った。「このような告訴は認められないと考えています。」

sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

Aviva will decide the fate of businesses in 18 non-core countries over the next year, said Andrew Moss, chief executive, who declined to say if any specific unit would be sold.

The UK-listed life and general insurance group revealed its strategic overhaul last November, saying it would focus on 12 core markets out of its current 30, choosing those that met certain scale or profitability requirements.

However, Mr Moss said on Thursday that some of the smaller non-core markets could yet be promoted.

“We say we are de-emphasising our presence in those 18 countries and you can expect some announcements on that over the next 6-12 months,” he said. “But one or two of those might come into our core list.”






sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

Singapore was highlighted for promotion after a strong performance last year, while with Indonesia “we will make a decision over the next 12 months”. Any small businesses sold were unlikely to raise material funds, he added.

Moss was speaking as Aviva reported a 40 per cent jump in annual statutory pre-tax profits from £2.02bn to £2.83bn on Thursday and announced that it had eliminated its £1.7bn pension deficit during 2010, ahead of the £1.4bn cut it had told investors about in January.

The profits increase came in spite of the freeze before Christmas, which meant that annual weather-related costs were £40m more than normal in its UK arm and €80m higher in its other European operations.





sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

Aviva’s big non-life rivals in the UK, Axa and RSA, were hit much harder by the freeze.
Mark, said the group had done better than rivals partly because of business mix, but also because it had “value sharing mechanisms” with its bancassurance partners, which meant they bore some of the extra losses.

The US saw a particularly strong turnround, with statutory operating profits up 77 per cent to £376m.
Igal Mayer, the former US chief who has just taken over the European business, said this was due partly to a turnround in pricing conditions following the financial crisis and partly due to the reopening of securitisation markets that allow US life companies to raise cash against so-called redundant reserves.



米国市場は特に回復が強く法定営業利益は77%伸びて3億7600万ポンドに達した。前米国社長でヨーロッパ社長に就任したばかりのIgal Mayerによると、これほど回復したのは、金融危機後の価格の設定条件のためだけでなく、資産証券化市場が再開し、米国の生命保険会社が属にいう余剰引当金を現金化することができるようになったためである。

sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

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sparkie English → Japanese
Original Text

EBSA will wait until Jan. 1, 2012, to begin applying new retirement plan service provider fee disclosure regulations.
EBSA, an arm of the U.S. Labor Department, had been intending to start applying new disclosure rules under Section 408(b)(2) of the ERISA, July 16, 2011.

EBSA published the interim final regulations in July 2010, in an effort to persuade retirement plan service providers to give the cost information that plan fiduciaries need to assess the reasonableness of the fees charged and to look out for potential conflicts of interest.

EBSA received many public comments, including suggestions for a summary plan document system to help plan fiduciaries use the cost data.


EBSA (雇用者給付金保護局)は2012年1月1日まで、新たに導入される退職金積み立て制度サービス管理費の開示規定を遅らせることにした。米連邦労働局下のEBSAは2011年7月16日よりERISA(従業員退職所得保障法)408(b)(2)に基づいて新たな開示を始める予定であった。

