sidemountain Translations

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Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sidemountain English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

In addition, Mi TV 2 features a wide range of video content via cooperation with partners including licensed content provider GITV, video sites Youku Tudou, iQiyi, Xunlei, Huace Film & TV and PPS. Some 240,000 hours of copyrighted video content has been integrated to the platform, according to the company.

To boost sales of its smart TV devices, Xiaomi invested US$$1 billion in digital content last year. The majority of this funding has been poured into stakes in China’s leading streaming video platforms Youku Tudou and iQiyi.

The product also has an integrated entertainment center with embedded video games paired with Xiaomi gamepad, online educations contents, music, and so on.


加えて、Mi TV 2は幅広いビデオコンテンツを利用できる事が魅力で、認可コンテンツプロバイダーのGITVや動画共有サイトのTudou、iQiyi、Xunlei、Huace Film & TV、PPSが利用可能である。これまでに約24万時間のコピーライトのある動画がそのプラットフォームに集約された。との情報が挙げられた。

このスマートTVの販売促進の為に、昨年、Xiaomiはデジタルコンテンツへ10億米ドルを投資した。この投資の大部分は中国の主要ストリーミング動画共有サイトであるYouku、Tudon 、iQiyiへ使われた。

Xiaomi gamepad、オンライン教育コンテンツ、音楽などのビデオゲームが組み込まれた、総合エンターテインメントセンターもまたこの製品に含まれる。

sidemountain English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Before the smart TV’s official launch, it was widely speculated that Xiaomi will release two models, one 55-inch 4K capable and another smaller-sized version with full HD. Although the actual products may fall short of these expectations, they are still a good for users considering the competitive price.

The development of smart TV technologies has triggered swift development of this sector. According to a report by LeTV, China’s annual sales of smart TVs exceeded 30 million sets in 2014, with a market penetration rate of nearly 70% expected to reach 85% during 2015.

LeTV, Xiaomi’s arch-rival in the smart TV sector, is planning to launch a new product on April 2nd to compete head-on with Xiaomi.





sidemountain English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text


Love ‘em or hate ‘em, drones are one of the biggest gadget booms of late. Phenox2 is the latest iteration of the autonomous mini-drone after a successful Kickstarter for version 1.0 last year.

Phenox2 features a custom intelligent self-control system (ISCS) that allows it to maneuver based on visual feature points like specific colors and patterns (i.e. hovering over a black square on a white floor). Using dual cameras and a microphone, it can follow a user based on vocal cues and land in the palm of your hand – no remote control required. It’s also Linux-based, allowing users to write custom flying programs and install them directly on Phenox2’s on-board computer.





sidemountain English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Re: Sound Bottle

Re: Sound Bottle is an experimental music creation device that automatically mixes whatever sounds a user captures. Simply uncorking the bottle initiates the recording process, and returning the cap stores it. Up to six sounds can be captured and simultaneously mixed by the on-board software at a time. It’s like having your own personal DJ in a bottle.

A simple LED interface allows users to control the volume and BPM, and an SD slot can be used to save music or add pre-recorded sounds. A spokesperson told Tech in Asia that Re: Sound Bottle will hit Kickstarter by the summer.


Re:Sound Bottle

Re:Sound Bottleは、自動的にユーザーが取り込んだ音声をミックスしてくれる、試験的な音楽制作装置だ。とても単純で、ボトルの栓を抜く事で録音が始まり、その蓋を戻す事で録音が終了しデータが保存される。最大6つの音声を取り込み可能で、それと同時にソフトウェアが音声をミックスしてくれる。それはまるでボトルの中にパーソナルDJを持っているかのようだ。

通常のLEDインターフェイスでボリュームやBPMをコントールでき、また、SDカードを使って音楽をセーブしたり、事前に録音しておいた音声を加える事が出来る。Tech in Asiaで代弁者が以下の様に語った。「Re:Sound Bottleはこの夏までにKickstarterに出品できるでしょう。」

sidemountain English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I am trying to rent an apartment, but the company does not respond to my email requests. I really want this one or al least would like to know if I can rent it. I am going to try and open an account at mufg tonight. Another company contacted me and showed my another apartment, but I don't want to sign a lease before I know if I cannot rent the other place at all. I hate to bother you for this, but on Saturday if there is a free moment could you call the number and speak to them for me. I hate to bother you with this, but it has become slightly urgent. My family doesn't know this, but I caught my current roommate stealing from me. I need to leave as soon as possible. Sorry to bother you.



sidemountain English → Japanese
Original Text


For busy individuals who rely on Google Calendar for scheduling an endless stream of meetings and events, Cu-Hacker is a tool from Genestream that allows them to simplify adjustments and better visualize free time. The service targets professionals in sales, HR, and management roles.

By clicking on an open slot in their schedule and selecting an appointment time, Cu-Hacker generates a custom URL that can be shared with attendees via email or Facebook message (in Japan, Facebook remains a more popular business communication outlet than than Linkedin). In the past three months, it has doubled its monthly active user base to 10,000 people.



Cu-Hackerは、常にGoogle Calenderに頼り切って絶え間ないミーティングやイベントのスケジュールを管理している忙しい人達の為の、ジェネストリーム社によるスケジューリングツールだ。そのサービスのターゲットは、営業のプロフェッショナル、ヒューマン・リソースや経営管理に携わるビジネスマン達である。

Cu-Hackerを使用し、スケジュール画面の小窓を開きアポイントメントの時間をクリックするだけで、カスタムURLが作り出される。そのURLは、会議の出席者達と、via e-mailもしくはFacebook messageといった形で共有可能である(日本ではFacebookはLinkedinよりポピュラーなビジネスコミュニケーションツールである)。過去3ヶ月における月間アクティブユーザーの数は、それまでの2倍の10,000人にもなった。

sidemountain English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook reports that governments in India and Turkey are cracking down on social networking

In a report that showed overall government data requests flat, Facebook said Turkey and India have dramatically increased their requests to either block certain content or to gain access to users’ accounts.

In the social media company’s latest Global Government Requests Report, Facebook received 35,051 requests for user account data in the last six months of 2014, up from 34,946 in the first half. Facebook also said the amount of content it restricted or blocked as a result of violations of local laws increased to 9,707 pieces of content, up from 8,774 over the first half of 2014.




ソーシャルメディア会社らの最新のGlobal Government Requests Reportのデータでは、Facebookが2014年に受けたユーザーアカウントデータへのリクエスト件数は、前期で34,946件、また、後期で35,051件。法律違反により制限またはブロックされたコンテンツの数は、前期で8,774件から後期の9,707件へとその件数はどちらの場合も上昇した。

sidemountain English → Japanese
Original Text

Too Much Branding.

No one wants to read a blog that only publishes overtly promotional posts. Describing what your new product can do is great, but it can be boring and probably won’t bring in visitors that aren’t already looking for your product. Follow the 80/20 rule – 80% of your content should be unbranded but related to your product offering, while the remaining 20% can be promotional.

The trick is to figure out what your target audience is talking about and what they want to read, and then creating content that is actually useful. If you sell hardwood floors, don’t write a post about how great your floors are – try writing a post about how to choose the right wood color for your décor.


