sfalke Translations

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Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese English (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sfalke Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text





At the Keio Plaza Hotel on June 17th, the 2013 fiscal year general meeting was held.

For the opening greeting the vice president reviewed JCCB's activity for from last year, and he talked about how he achieved results through two reforms which he talked about, the public finance foundation reform which depended on entrusting executive office duties to the JNTO, and entrusting management to the international meeting expo Nikkei company BP.

At the general meeting, the strength of the provision of information about the conference, the overseas inspection of Taipei, pamphlet renewal, design investigation enterprise, the combining of the convention industrial section meeting and convention bureau section meeting, etc. have been recognized as new initiatives.

sfalke Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text






When I was a child, I fastened cardboard together and made an enclosure in the middle of my room and I played with it a lot. It was like I was in the space of another world, and I have exciting memories.
I thought that I want future generations of children to taste that kind of excitement.

I would be delighted if we could work together.

◎After That

When I get this job, I will put in great effort and bring in revenue, and if the revenue reaches a certain amount,
the first thing I am considering is that I want to donate to children's preschools and kindergartens in the disaster area.
In the case of small community donations, I am already now doing it.
However, I, myself was so moved, that it is my dream to go and do community donations.

sfalke Japanese → English
Original Text






Regarding the postage for returned merchandise, would you be willing to divide the burden between your company and our company?

Even though you tried to request an inspection of goods, if that's not possible, it will be because your company's responsibility is decreasing.
We decided to hold an inventory on the main merchandise, so I think the number of defective merchandise will decrease.
However, every week, I wonder if somewhat damaged merchandise will come for part of the order.
Every time there is returned merchandise, if it costs money, it causes a lot of trouble.

By the way, regarding the postage for returned Teaberry merchandise, since it is not defective merchandise, our company will pay for all of it.

Again, with defective merchandise, I think the postage is cheaper if you send it directly to China, but what do you think?
Please give it some consideration.

sfalke English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

As Cicero wrote late in May, the Senate was a weapon that had broken to pieces in his hands. Octaviantis did not intend to be removed; and the emphasis that open enemies and false friends laid upon his extreme youth was becoming more and more irksome. He would show them.It had ever been Cicero's darling notion to play the political counsellor to a military leader; and this was but the culmination of the policy that he had initiated in the previous autumn. there was nothing to choose between Dolabella and any of the three Antonii; only practise a salutary severity. The plea of Brutus was plain and dignified. It was more important to avert the strife of citizens than wreak savage vengeance on the vanquished.

