DAM×AAA 『DAAAM Project』がスタートします! ~AAAを歌ってグッズを当てよう!~【個人情報の取り扱いについて】ご提供いただいたお客様の情報は、当選者の確認及びお客様への賞品発送にのみ利用いたします。弊社における個人情報取扱いは下記「エイベックス・グループ個人情報保護方針」に従い管理いたします。http://www.avex.co.jp/privacy/index.html ※上記注意事項を予めご了承のうえ、ご応募ください。
DAM×AAA"DAAM Project" is now starting! -Let's sing AAA's songs and get their special goods![How we deal with your personal information]Your personal information will be only used in order to confirm the prizewinners and send the prize to them. We will deal with your personal information carefully by following the Avex Group's personal information protection policies which is mentioned below. http://www.avex.co.jp/privacy/index.htmlPlease read and agree with the notes above before you participate in this prize competition.
【DAM CHANNELについて】※カラオケおよび「DAM CHANNEL」配信時期は地域・店舗・機種によって異なる場合がございます。※「新曲目次本」は地域・店舗によって異なる場合がございます。※カラオケ店舗およびSNS上での事故・トラブルに関しての責任は一切負いかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。 【キャンペーンに関するお問い合わせ】0570-064-414(平日11時-18時)
[About DAM CHANNEL]※Karaoke & "DAM CHANNEL"The distribution term can vary depending on the region, shops, and models.※Each region and shop may have slightly different Karaoke Contents Books. ※We are afraid that we cannot take any responsibility for troubles which may be caused in karaoke shops and on SNS. We appreciate your understanding. If you have any inquiries about this campaign, please call "0570-064-414" during our business hours. (The business hours; AM 11:00 - PM 6:00, on weekdays)