Ricko (ricko) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ricko English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

For your order No.2013112922173,we feel sorry that QJ131107414-1 is out of stock now,would you like to exchange to other styles?if you like,please kindly reply with the replaclements items No.,and its color, size as soon as possible so that your order won\'t be delayed. or we will credit the balance and send other stuff instock.

By the way ,if your replacements are still out of stock .do you want us to wait for your replacement again or ship it directly?


If we don\'t receive replacement styles in 48 hours, we\'ll send out the parcel directly to ensure on time delivery. please reply us your replacements also to order@lovelywholesale.com.

Thank you and welcome from everyone here at Lovelywholesale.com!


注文番号No.2013112922173の QJ131107414-1ですが、誠に申し訳ございませんが、現在、在庫切れとなっております。




ricko English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Among the chief misdemeanours was a red salmon "caviar" dish that turned out to be the less sumptuous eggs of the flying fish.

A televised attempt by the hotel group's president, Hiroshi Desaki, to limit the damage by announcing a 20% pay cut for himself and 10% for other executives, failed to mollify angry consumers. Days later, Desaki resigned, conceding that the group had "betrayed our customers", although he added: "We never had the intention to deceive them." One of the hotel's head chefs later declined a medal of honour he was due to receive from the government.

The company has so far refunded more than 10,000 people to the tune of 20m yen (£126,000); the eventual bill is expected to reach 110m yen.


阪急阪神ホテルズ社長 出崎 弘氏は自身の給与を20%カットし、その他責任者の給与も10%カットする事を発表することによりホテルに対する非難を避けるべく対処。
後日、出崎 弘氏は「阪急阪神ホテルズはお客様を裏切ってしまった」と辞職。ただし、「我々は関与しておらず、このような事は知らなかった」とも付け加えた。これらの食材偽装問題を受け、料理長が秋の褒章の受章を辞退するに至った。


ricko English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hey man, no need for apologies, I am always late replying to people haha.

Haha I'm glad that picture brought you some amusement, but that actually isn't me, just a random picture. lol.

That is cool man, make sure you let me know how you get on with the body panels.
I really want to start learning composite fabrication, I think I am going to start with FRP, then hopefully move on to Carbon Fibre after I have some experience.

I am very passionate about design and car culture. I know you really like rc's and the TSCO Race team, they happen to be one of my favourite teams!
But I am curious to know if you like any other parts of the car world?

Heres my Email man. If you want to talk.







ricko English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Intan Saraswati, Founder and CEO, Kirim, hopes that the new features will help the company take the number of shipments per day to 3,000 by the end of this year.

Growing e-commerce in Indonesia

Quoting Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology figures, Saraswati, says that e-commerce in Indonesia is all set to hit US$13 billion, almost double from 2012, when the figure stood at US$6.9 billion.

Drawing on figures from ‘Indonesia Telecom Indonesia – Go Online Outlook 2012′, research firm Frost & Sullivan, notes that income from e-commerce transactions in Indonesia is all set to reach US$650 million from US$120 million three years ago.


「Kirim」CEOであるIntan Saraswati氏は本年度末までには毎日3000の流通を目標としています。

