renay Translations

ID Unverified
Over 10 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
renay English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I'm from the Philippines. I wonder if I buy your product what other shipping method do you provide? I personally don't like EMS so I'm requesting not to use that method. Hoping for your feedback soon, thanks!

Thank you once again for the offer of either the regular or the deluxe version of this model for the same price. But unfortunately, I have decided to purchase this model elsewhere. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my email.

not sure if you received my previous message or not. I noticed the refund and sent payment again yesterday with my correct funding source. Let me know when the item ships. Thanks!





renay English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Hahn adds that the site/app is flexible, and is happy with users either paying online via their escrow system or meeting face-to-face to do transactions instead. He adds:

The escrow system is optional. We want our users to have complete freedom in conducting transactions, even if we are cut out of the payment loop. Our [location-based] service, for instance, is basically saying that we are just as happy if you want to meet face to face. That said, we are equally committed to improving payment within HelloMarket not only for convenience but also safety, and making this a robust option for users is among the very top of our list of priorities.




renay English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

S-9. Tax Matters

In addition to the General Terms, you agree that, unless otherwise agreed by Amazon in advance in writing, the price stated by you for Your Products is inclusive of any VAT, customs duty, excise tax or other tax that you may be required to remit in connection with such sale.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:

(a) If you are a business that is established in a European Union country and you provide us with your valid VAT registration number, VAT will not be charged by Amazon on the fees under these Service Terms provided you are not established in Luxembourg, and did not supply a VAT registration number issued by the Luxembourg authorities.


S-9 税に関して



(a) もしあなたのビジネスがEUに加盟する国で創立されていて且つあなたが我々にVAT登録番号をご提示いただけるのなら、あなたのビジネスがルクセンブルグで創立されたものでなく且つあなたのVAT登録番号がルクセンブルグによって発行されたものでないと証明でき、利用規約に則りVATはアマゾンによって請求されません。