oier9 (oier9) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

But perhaps we will see cheaper Blackberry 10 handsets unveiled before the end of this year. Can that be the saviour of the Canadian company? Maybe. But by that time, quite a lot of people in Indonesia might have transitioned to other platforms and other messaging apps. They’ve waited long enough.

I’d advise messaging apps vying for a place in Indonesia to start convincing communities, both personal and professional, to build groups on their platform. It’s the messaging secret sauce in this part of the world. And we understand that this is exactly what KakaoTalk and WeChat are moving towards in Indonesia.


しかしおそらく、今年末までに安価な携帯電話Blackberry 10がお披露目されるだろう。カナダの会社の救世主になりうるだろうか? 多分、その時までに、かなり多くのインドネシア人が、他のプラットフォームやメッセージングアプリに移行している可能性がある。彼らはもう充分すぎるほど待たされている。


oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thanks for providing the shipping zip code. The shipping cost via
FedEx will be $64.85. The back-ordered cameras should be in stock in
about a week or so.

Hello, please email me directly at sales @ comcycleusa dot com to discuss this.
Thanks for your interest in our items!

My distributor just raised the price on these, best i could do would be 520 shipped. They have plenty in stock and I can get them within a day or 2. Write me back at: circlecycles dot us at gmail dot com, if you are interested. Thanks for writing

For bulk ordering considerations please consider using our main website at nws-online.net .. contact me there for further details. Thanks.






oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

He wrote to the city and he told his soldiers that Pompeius had violated the treaty by encouraging piracy, that the pirates had confessed this, that Menodorus had revealed the whole design, and that Antony knew it, and for that reason had refused to give up the Peloponnesus.When all things were in readiness he set sail for Sicily, going himself from Tarentum, while Calvisius Sabinus, and Menodorus sailed from Etruria. The infantry was sent on the march to Rhegium and great haste was displayed in all quarters. Pompeius had scarcely heard of the desertion of Menodorus when Octavian was already moving against him.While the hostile fleets were advancing from both sides, he awaited the attack of Octavian at Messana,


すべての準備が整い、彼はSicilyに向けて出帆した。自らはTarentumから、Calvisius SabinusとMenodorusはEtruriaから出港した。歩兵はRhegiumに向けて行軍し、大急ぎですべての宿舎を設えた。Octavianが既にPompeius に向けて移動していた時、PompeiusはMenodorusの脱走についてほとんどなにも聞いていなかった。敵の艦隊が両側から進軍する中、彼はMessanaにおいてOctavianの攻撃を待っていた

oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The iOttie One-Touch Windshield Dashboard Car Mounts main focus is functionality. Its easy one-touch system allows for the mounting and releasing of the device with just the push of a finger. Thanks to its super strong extra-large suction cup, the One-Touch Car Mount sticks securely to most smooth flat surfaces, yet is still easily removable. The stickiness of the suction cup is infinite, just rinse with warm water and let air dry, then the mount is good as new. No matter if your phone is protected by a skin or a case, the iOttie One-Touch Car Mount grips securely onto your device so you can drive with confidence. Get protected. Get Going!


その簡単なワンタッチシステムで、指一本でデバイスの脱着が可能です。超強力な特大吸盤により、One-Touch Car Mountは滑らかな平面にしっかりとくっつきます。しかも簡単に取り外し可能です。ぬるま湯ですすいで空気乾燥するだけで、吸盤の粘着性は何度でも新品同様に蘇ります。お使いの携帯電話をスキンやケースで保護していても、iOttie One-Touch Car Mountはデバイスをしっかりと固定しますので、安心してドライブができます。あなたのデバイスに安全にiOttieワンタッチカーマウントグリップはとても安心して運転することはできません。安全と良いドライブを手に入れましょう!

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for your Email. Concerning your question, we do not have any stand called “Almighty”. Did you maybe mean “Atlántico” (wooden stand)? There are 2 sizes, Atlántico Single (ATS12-1) and Atlántico Double (ATS16-1).

Those are the sizes:

ATS12-1: 300cmx145cmx135cm. The packaging is 166cmx46cmx14,5cm. Weight is 20 km. It fits only single hammocks: http://www.
ATS16-1: 365cmx158cmx135cm. The packaging is 183cmx48,5cmx14,5cm. Weight is 25 kg. It fits only double hammocks: http://www.

We also have an even bigger hammock stand called “Barco” (BAS20-1): 400cmx160cmx145cm, weight: 30 kg. It fits family hammocks: http://www.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


メールを頂き有難うございます。ご質問に関して、私たちは "Almighty"と呼ばれるスタンドを一つも持っていません。"Atlántico"(木製スタンド)のことではないでしょうか? アトランティコシングル(ATS12-1)とアトランティコダブル(ATS16-1)の2サイズがあります。


ATS12-1:300cm×145cm×135cm。包装は、166cm×46cm×14.5 cmです。重量は20キロです。シングルハンモック専用です。: http://www
ATS16-1:365cm×158cm×135cm。包装は、183cm×48.5cm×14.5cmです。重量は25キロです。ダブルハンモック専用です。: http://www



oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The sun is well represented in Native American.

The Navajo and Hopi have a gorgeous design that represents the sun called Tawah.
Using the sun as a focal point for Native American interior design ideas gives a full range of possibilities. For a striking concept, search the offerings of local Southwest Native American artists for a large painted or hand-woven representation of Tawah.
If it is a Hopi representation, then green, red and turquoise are going to be the highlights. Pick up these colors in rugs and blankets.
The designs are showcased best with neutral floors, furniture and walls.
A popular Native American design that harmonizes well with the sun is the medicine eye, often used on blankets and carpets.




oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Why the WeChat vs. Weibo War Will Be the Year’s Biggest Story, and Why Weibo Needs to Win

When it comes to Chinese social media, it’s increasingly clear that there are two real players: Sina Weibo and Tencent’s WeChat. Oh, sure, there are others, but they’re all a bit passé these days. Renren and the other traditional social media networks are starting to look very outdated. Tencent Weibo and other microblogging competitors may have big user numbers, but there’s a reason that the big stories always break on Sina Weibo. And while some Chinese BBS forums still boast massive user numbers, they appeal to a limited demographic — chances are your grandmother is never going on Tianya.


中国のソーシャルメディアというと、事実上2人の選手に絞られている。すなわち、Sina WeiboとTencentのWeChatだ。まあ確かに、ソーシャルメディアは他にもある。しかし最近では、それらはすべて過去のものとなっている。Renrenや他の伝統的なソーシャル•メディア•ネットワークはすこぶる時代遅れに思える。 Tencent Weiboや他のマイクロブログのライバルは多くのユーザーを抱えているかもしれない。しかし、壮大な物語がSina Weiboで常に生じるには理由がある。中国のBBSのフォーラムのいくつかはいまだに大規模なユーザー数を誇っていながら、彼らは限られた人口にアピールするーあなたの祖母がTianyaに行く見込みはない、と。