oier9 (oier9) Translations

4.8 1 reviews
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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Rick Olson

Age: 29
Founder and CEO, Yun.io

Laowai! Yes, there’s even a foreigner on the list in the form of the guy behind the cloud backups startup that we reviewed back in 2011. Since then, Yun.io has doubled its free storage to 10GB, but is now also up against major competition, such as Baidu’s fairly recent Dropbox clone.

Pan Hao

Age: 29
Founder and director, Seeed Studio

Taking on the might of Alibaba’s B2B platform for sourcing goods from China, Seed Studio focuses on one very niche area – the bits and pieces needed by electricians, engineers, and hardware hackers. All its products come from various Chinese manufacturers and are snapped up at wholesale prices by overseas buyers.


Rick Olson氏
老外! そう、リストには非中国人もいるのだ。2011年に遡って評価したクラウドバックアップのスタートアップの立役者だ。それ以来、Yun.ioは無料ストレージを10GBに倍増するだけでなく、ごく最近、BaiduのDropboxのクローンなどとの大競争に巻き込まれている。

Pan Hao氏
創設者兼取締役、Seeed Studio
中国から商品を調達するAlibabaのB2Bプラットフォームの力を引継ぎ、Seed Studioは非常にニッチな領域に焦点を当てている―電気技師、エンジニア、およびハードウェアハッカーにニーズのあるこまごまとした物だ。すべての製品が様々な中国の製造業者から納品され、その卸売価格に海外のバイヤーが飛びついてくるのだ。