oier9 (oier9) Translations

4.8 1 reviews
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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

What does it take to become a good translator?

If you are proficient in more than one language, you have a good foundation and opportunity to build your career as a translator. But being bilingual doesn't make you a good translator by default. It takes a lot of skill, passion and experience to become fully competent in your job.

Educational background in translation and linguistics certainly contributes a lot, but translation skills aren’t limited only to those with university degrees. Language fluency is a pre-requirement for good work, and that can be obtained in a school, at home or while living or traveling in another country.





oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Once you are able to communicate freely in a certain language, meaning you can speak, read and write at a level of an educated native speaker, you are ready to take the career path of a professional translator.

There are different types of translation jobs that require different experiences and skills. Book translators need to develop a very refined feeling for prose and poetry; therefore they need to work on their writing skills as well. Court translators are aware of basic legal procedures, as they have to pay attention to potential mistranslations that could have devastating impact on court verdicts. Simultaneous and consecutive interpreters are conducting their work at the same time when someone is speaking.




oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

In their case speed is the priority and grammar comes later. For medical interpreters mastering medical terminology is a necessity, but communicating with patients in a comforting and trustworthy way defines their excellence.

Translation industry is limitless. And so are your competences! If you are aware of your special skills and world knowledge, you can only expand this knowledge to become the best in your specialization.

Nowadays translation is much easier than ever. Translators of Epic of Gilgamesh couldn’t help themselves with all the tools, books and technology as we are using today. But over 4000 years later translators are still letting some meanings get lost in translation.


翻訳業界には制限がない。あなたの能力もまた同じだ! 自分の持つ特別なスキルや業界知識を自覚しているのであれば、専門分野で一番になれるようこの知識を広げるだけでいい。

oier9 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

As a lot of you guys know I am a big fan of Lemans and Specially Ferrari models that run in Lemans, And have been personally collecting them for many years. I also had a lot of customers that have been buying them from me for many years.
i am sorry to say this year I will not be carrying any of the BBR LeMans cars. I am not sure why, and how but BBR has two set of prices. Some dealer in USA get them for almost half the price we do.
I actually bought the models for my own collection from another dealer in USA for less than I could buy them from BBR.
In any case I would like to let all the clients that use to buy these models from us to know that replicraz, a company based in USA tha
t most of you should now,



oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Pakistan’s Startup Ecosystem Has So Much Potential (INFOGRAPHIC)

Adam Dawood is the founding partner of DYL Ventures, a Pakistan-centric venture capital and consultancy firm. You can find him on Twitter as @adamdawood.

Continuing our series of posts on Pakistan’s internet industry we have created an infographic that shows how and why Pakistan could be on the cusp of huge internet growth. With a population actually much greater than the reported 180 million, and with fast-growing mobile and mobile internet usage, Pakistan has a large body of users who are getting comfortable using online services.



Adam Dawood氏は、パキスタンを中心に活動するベンチャーキャピタル兼コンサルタント会社DYL Venturesの共同設立者である。Twitterでは@ adamdawoodで見つけることができる。


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

I heard that you are accepting request of buying goods from Japan.
Do you think you can sell me the Kamio Banao bolster? It's suppose to be "peel-able" (you can unzip the skin), it should be big and long (like in the picture with the baby).

And another Kamio Banao pencil case. In the picture.
Also, if possible, the pencil case and bolster should have the Kamio Banao usual expression. I wish to not have anything extra (sunglasses, kiss mark on cheek, holding onto something {in the picture with the baby}, etc). But only if it's possible.

If any of the products listed is purchasable, please do inform me. I am very grateful for your help.
Thank you. And I am sorry if I am asking for too much.


カミオジャパンのバナ夫の枕を売ってもらうことはできますか? 多分「むける」(皮をジッパーで開けられる)タイプで、大きくて長いです(写真で赤ちゃんが抱きついているのみたいなのです)。



oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

in the "Metalcore" section, alongside former bandmate James Hart, with whom Morris lived when he first moved to Orange County in the early 2000s. "Everybody was all over the place because Ken [Floyd] and Keith [Barney] were both in Throwdown. I was in Bleeding Through for a summer," he recounted of those days. "Brandan [Schieppati] and I sat down and said, 'Dude, we've got to figure this out.' I said, 'I moved out here to be in 18V. I love Bleeding Through, but my priority is 18V.'"

Morris and Schieppati performed together in the Misfits tribute band Die Die My Darling, together with Floyd and this writer, Ryan Downey. More reactions from the people who knew and loved Morris as we get them.


「メタルコア」部門では、以前のバンド仲間ジェームズ•ハートと一緒だった。彼はモリスが2000年ごろに、初めてオレンジカウンティに越してきた時に一緒に住んでいた。「ケン[フロイド]とキース[バーニー]の二人はThrowdown、僕は夏の間Bleeding Throughにいてみんなてんでばらばらだったんだ。」彼は当時を事細かに語った。「ブランダン[シュパッティ]と僕は座って、こう言ったんだ。「なぁ、僕らは決めなきゃいけないよ」僕は言ったんだ。「僕はここを出て18ビジョンに行くよ。僕はBleeding Throughが大好きだ。でも18ビジョンを大事にしたいんだ。」
モリスとシュパッティは一緒にMisfitsのトリビュートバンドDie Die My Darlingで、フロイドとこれを書いてるライアン•ダウニーと共に演奏していた。モリスを知り、好きだった人たちに会うたびに、多くの反応が返ってくる。