Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Onstage, Ma sang the praises of the new mobile wave in China and urges entrepreneurs to take advantage of it. He said:

Mobile is great because it sticks to users whenever they go. Unlike PCs, mobile also has location features which bring about new industries such as O2O (online to offline) services. (note: translation is mine/unofficial)

WeChat really has some crazy location-related (LBS) figures as well. Ma says that in a day, WeChat generates more than 700 million location-based activities each day! Ma then went on to say that WeChat is now open for developers to leverage on its platform and hopes that all apps (even competing ones) can collaborate to provide a better experience for mobile users.





nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

As to the mechanics behind how a traditional search engine ranks its results, Qihoo 360 finds it less reliable as some websites are always placed at the bottom of the search result. Now as it involves the users’ recommendations, they believe that it’s a better way to provide higher quality search results. Or it might just be a cheap gimmick.

360’s CEO Zhou Hongyi earlier explained (translations are mine):

[…] As the search engine market develops, users’ experience and recommendation is an important fundamental factor towards growth. There are still plenty of possibilities that we can explore with our browser and search engine.


従来の検索エンジンがどのように検索結果のランク付けをするのかを決める構造に対して、Qihoo 360は信頼性が低いと考えている。ウェブサイトによっては常に検索結果の最後尾に位置されるものもあるからだ。そこで、ユーザーからの推薦を取り入れることが、より質の高い検索結果を提供する優良な方法だと、Qihoo 360は思っている。

先に360のCEO、Zhou Hongyi氏が説明している(訳は私)。

[…] 検索エンジン市場が発展するにつれ、ユーザー体験と推薦が成長に向けての重要な基本的要因になります。私達のブラウザと検索エンジンには私達が研究できる可能性がいまだ数多く存在しています。

nobula English → Japanese
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This past April, we reported that Mogujie is driving crazy traffic to Taobao, China’s top C2C shopping site. At that time we noted Mogujie had more than 2.2 million daily visitors each month who browse more than 750,000 items on Taobao. Out of that figure, 60,000 items were purchased each day. These numbers were pretty insane, as it was acting as an impressive sales referral machine, earning about $15,900 on ad referral clicks to Taobao at that time.

Now with about four months passed from those self-reported figures, I believe the number should be far greater. Mogujie’s founder and CEO, Chen Ji, posted on Zhihu where he explained more about his model for success:



その自己申告の数値から約4か月が経ち、数値は大幅に増えていると、私は思う。Mogujieの設立者兼CEOのChen Ji氏は、Zhihuの記事で彼の成功モデルについてさらに説明している。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

The Story Behind the Headrest

A few years ago, the founder of VendorGear purchased a Herman Miller Aeron Chair. Placed in his home office, he would spend countless hours in the ergonomic marvel performing all sorts of business-like activities. After a hard day’s work, he would often find himself leaning back in his chair to take in the day’s accomplishments, read the news, or watch an episode online. A few weeks later, he started to notice that his neck and upper shoulders were beginning to ache. Consulting a Chiropractor, it was clear that the countless hours leaning back in the chair with no support for the head was taking its toll on the muscles of both neck and upper shoulders.




nobula English → Japanese
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Thus began the mission to find the missing piece.

It all began with the HR-01. The idea of this first generation headrest was to have a free-flow motion that made the headrest able to adjust with the movement of the body in the chair, as we rarely stay still in one position. The HR-01 was well received by corporate and individual customers, and shortly after a leather version, the HR-02, was created to match the stylish armrests of the Aeron Chair. With the initial success of the HR-01 & HR-02, customers started to chime in on what they’d like to see in the next generation of headrests.
The two main features customers desired was the ability to move the headrest forward......




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

........while sitting upright and to make it lock into place. Thus, the HR-03 was born.

The future of the next generation of headrests is also looking bright. The HR-04 is currently in development to accommodate taller people and those that like to sit farther forward in their chair. There is also a line of colors and different mesh weaves in the works to brighten your office at home and in the workplace.

From large corporations to home offices, the new headrests are a must have for every avid Aeron owner!

Us and Herman Miller

VendorGear is not directly related to Herman Miller. We are avid users and huge fans though. We highly recommend HM products.





