noa (noak) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English French Italian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noak English → Japanese
Original Text

Aside from giving back to its users, the company will also be setting aside 5.1 million new shares to eligible employees under its new employee share scheme.

Dropping acquisition offer, heading IPO

Last month, e27 reported that Japan-based job portal Recruit Co. had offered to acquire at US$400 million. CEO and Chairman Matt Barrie told us that the company had been considering various options over the years and finally decided to pursue a listing on the ASX. He added, “We believe that Freelancer has the potential to trail blaze a path for other technology companies to view the ASX as a viable source of funding.”




先月、e27は日本を拠点にしたジョブポータルRecruit Co.が4億米ドルでFreelancer.comを買収する提案をしたと報道した。会長兼最高経営責任者であるMatt Barrie氏は、この会社は何年にも渡り、色々な選択肢を熟考してきたが、ついにオーストラリア証券取引所で上場を目指すことを決めたと語った。「Freelancerはオーストラリア証券取引所を資金源と見なすという点で、他のテクノロジ企業の先駆者になれる可能性があると信じています。」と彼は加えた。

noak English → Japanese
Original Text

This is regarding ABC price problem, I think ABC website had changes in their pricing and they changed it last Sunday. As per excel data that I had attached in this message, as you can see, all the items uploaded since Wed. Oct. 16 until last Sat.Oct.19 the price were still high and it has a 2digit decimal numbers compared to todays price that mostly a whole numbers.
May I know how I can settle this kind of problem Sir? As per checking Amazon website, I can only edit the items that were still in the draft beyond that I think it cannot be edited. Is it okey with you if I will re upload the items that has changes in price?
I am sorry for this, I don't really have the idea that ABC website will change the price.



noak English → Japanese
Original Text

In this argument the author concludes that drinking Saluda Natrual Spring Water (SNSW) is preferable to drinking tap water. Three reasons are offered in support of this conclusion: SNSW contains several of the minerals necessary for good health, it is completely free of bacteria, and residents of Saluda - the town where it is bottled - are hospitalized less frequently than the national average. This argument is unconvincing because it relies on a variety of dubious assumptions.

The first questionable assumption underlying this argument is that tap water does not contain the minerals in question and is not completely free of bacteria. This assumption is not supported in the argument.


この議論では、作者はSaluda Natrual Spring Water (SNSW)を飲むことは水道水を飲むのより好まれていると結論づけています。この結論をサポートする3つの理由があげられています。:SNSWは健康に必要なミネラルがいくつか含まれています。バクテリアは全くいませんし、この水が詰められる町、サルーダの住民が入院する回数は国の平均よりも少ないのです。多数の半信半疑の仮定に頼っているため、この議論には説得力がありません。


noak English → Japanese
Original Text

When your coffee reaches 140°F (the perfect drinking temperature) the molten PCM begins solidifying again, releasing all that energy back into your coffee to keep it at a comfortable and delicious drinking temperature. The more heat you feed your AAA, the longer they’ll keep your coffee warm.

Wash your AAA well before first use. Keep them clean with a rinse between uses and a good soapy scrub or run through the dishwasher every now and then. Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads. Try not to drop your AAA, though small dents won't hurt performance. If AAA ever leak, rest assured that material is food safe, and contact US:




noak English → Japanese
Original Text

Yotei, often referred to as Ezo Fuji (or the Mount Fuji) of Hokkaido, is in the Shikotsu-Toya national park bordering the popular towns of Niseko, Kutchan and Makkari on the island's west coast. While skiing anywhere in Niseko, Yotei towers majestically in the distance, usually with small clouds billowing above its crater. At 1,898m, it is the highest mountain in the region and has the longest vertical ski descent in Hokkaido. Much planning is needed to make a successful ascent – bad weather comes in hard and fast in this region – so, from our base at the popular ski town of Hirafu in Niseko, we sought out a well-respected guide: Sam Kerr.


羊蹄山は北海道の蝦夷富士(又は富士山)と言われており、島の西海岸にある有名な町、ニセコ、倶知安、真狩の境に位置する支笏洞爺国立公園の中にある。ニセコではどこででもスキーができる一方、羊蹄山は普段噴火口の上に小さな雲をうねらせながら堂々とそびえている。1898mの高さで、この地域では最も高い山であり、北海道では最も長い垂直なスキーコースがある。この地域では天気がすぐにとても悪くなったりするため、山登りを成功させるには、計画を練ることが必要である。だから、ニセコにある比羅夫というスキーの有名な町の我々のベースから、大変評判の良いガイドを探し出した。Sam Kerr氏である。